Agenda item

CHI/16952/1-X - Residential development with associated community facilities and access. Land to the south of Chilton Field, Avon Road, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon.


(Councillor Tony de Vere had declared a personal interest in this application and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he remained in the meeting during its consideration).


Mr I Thompson, on behalf of the Parish Council, made a statement in respect of the application.  He placed on record his appreciation to the Area Planning Officer for allowing the Parish Council an opportunity to continue discussions regarding this application.  He welcomed the provision of a community room in addition to the extension to the village hall, increased informal open space areas and the provision of affordable housing on the site.  He stressed the need for the ownership of the informal open space and community hall to be transferred to the local community and highlighted the importance of upgrading the underpass to assist village cohesion, securing adequate funding towards improved bus services and the provision of a comprehensive landscaping scheme to assist the screening of the new development.  He supported the provision of a shop shell, referring to the increase in the number of new residents and employees that would be accommodated on the site.  Finally, he urged the Committee to seize the opportunity to provide a modern eco home residential development which the local community could be proud of.


Mrs Woollard made a statement on behalf of the residents of Severn Road objecting to the application.  She reminded the Committee that the A34 ran through the middle of the parish which made integration difficult.  She considered that the community room and children’s play area should be located close to the school and that the existing shops and post office should be relocated closer to the proposed new development.  She referred to the impact of the proposed development and urged the Committee to ensure that existing trees and boundary hedges were retained and that the rear gardens to existing properties were secure.  Finally, she reminded that the site was located in the AONB and that the southern storage area at the site was regularly used by walkers.


Ms N Green, the applicants agent had given notice that she wished to make a statement but declined to do so.


One of the local members present at the meeting welcomed, that after many months of discussion between planning officers, the Parish Council and the developer, agreement had been reached regarding the development.  He hoped that the amendments to the proposed Heads of Terms of the Section 106 Agreement would be acceptable to the Committee.  In respect of the proposed play areas he considered it was sensible that the developer undertook all the design and construction work and passed on responsibility for the maintenance to the Parish Council together with a commuted sum to cover the costs.  Finally, he asked that the second recommendation be amended to include local members.


In considering the application, members made the following comments:-

  • Support the provision of eco homes built to the highest standard.
  • Landscaping and planting important consideration.
  • The provision of affordable housing should be set at 40% in accordance the Council’s policy not 25% as set out in the Section 106 Agreement.
  • 25% provision for affordable housing equated to 69 dwellings and the dwellings should be pepper potted across the site.
  • Before transferring responsibility for the play area, the developer should ensure that the play equipment was to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) standard.
  • The design of the proposed dwellings should be appropriate for a rural area.
  • Lighting for the underpass should be person activated.


In response to the above, the following comments were made:-

·        Eco home standard would be covered by a condition.  An informative could be added to any permission advising that the highest quality of design would be expected to link with the site usage.

·        In respect of landscaping at the site, the application was supported by an Environmental Impact Statement and this was a matter that would be considered at the reserved matters stage.

·        The appropriate play equipment standard would be specified in the Section 106 Agreement, following consultation with the Council’s Parks Manager.

·        The level of affordable housing required (25%) had been discussed and agreed in October 2006 and at that time 25% was the maximum level that could be applied to the site.

·        Planning policy was the only tool available to provide affordable housing.


By 15 votes to nil, it was




(a)       that the heads of terms as outlined in Section 4 of the report be agreed;


(b)       that authority to approve application CHI/16952/1-X be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Committee and the local Members subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement including the heads of terms agreed above, relevant conditions and an informative advising that the number of affordable homes required as part of the development is 69 dwellings and that those dwellings to be pepper potted across the site.

Supporting documents: