Agenda item

WAN/20119 and WAN/20119/1-LB – Change of use of St Anne’s House from school dormitories to Class B1 Office use with 4 flats. Erection of 9 dwellings with associated access, gardens and parking. 24-28 Newbury Street, Wantage, OX12 8BZ


(Councillors Terry Cox and Jenny Hannaby had both declared a personal interest in this application and in accordance with Standing Order 34 they both remained in the meeting during its consideration).


The Principal Planning Officer reported that amended plans had been received, which increased the distance between plots 3 and 6 on the site.  Two letters of objection had been received regarding increased traffic.  Finally, she circulated photographs providing a view of the development site from the Civic Hall Car Park.


In considering the application, the Committee made the following comments:-

  • The proposed development was the start of major development works in the town.
  • Concern at increased traffic onto Newbury Street.
  • Support the objection of the Crime Prevention Design Adviser to the provision of a pedestrian link from the development site through to the Civic Hall Car Park.
  • The proposed pedestrian link to the Civic Hall should be for use by residents only, secured by a tall lockable gate. Due to limited parking on site, the Civic Hall Car Park would provide alternative visitor parking.
  • The need to secure Section 106 contributions for District Council/Town Council services and schemes, such as the Market Place refurbishment, social infrastructure and leisure provision.
  • Retention of the cast iron lantern on the front elevation of the listed building.
  • Provision of a permeable surface for the proposed car parking areas and access roads.
  • Windows on the south elevation to be of the same design.
  • The view of St Mary’s School Chapel from the Civic Hall Car Park should be retained, as this had been a major consideration during the previous development of the site.
  • Retain for use the main entrance doorway to the listed building.


In response, the Principal Planning Officer and Development Control Manager advised that the use of block paving for the car parking areas would provide a permeable surface and would be covered by a hard surface materials condition.  In respect of the design of the windows on the south elevation it was noted that the applicant could not be required to replace the existing windows but the Committee’s concerns would be drawn to the applicant’s attention.  Retaining the view of the Chapel from the Civic Hall Car Park was not an issue previously raised with the applicant and there had been no objection raised by the Council’s Conservation Officer.  It was noted that securing Section 106 funding for leisure facilities was dependent on the Council adopting a Leisure Strategy, which would be considered by the Executive in October 2007.  In respect of funding towards the refurbishment of the Market Place, it was reported that a fully costed scheme would need to be prepared before Section 106 funding could be identified.


By 11 votes to nil (one of the voting Members having left the meeting at this point), it was




that authority to approve applications WAN/20119 and WAN/20119/1-LB be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee, Opposition Spokesman and local Members, subject to:-


(1)               the retention of the cast iron lantern on the front elevation of the listed building;


(2)               the retention for use of the main doorway to the listed building;


(3)               the provision of a permeable surface for the proposed car parking areas and access road;


(4)               investigating the possible retention of the view of St Mary’s School Chapel from the Civic Hall Car Park;


(5)               the provision of a pedestrian link to the Civic Hall for use by residents only, secured by a tall lockable gate.