Agenda item

GFA/19883-X – Demolition of existing tree nursery structures. Construction of new housing and business development and change of use of land to leisure use. Land between Park Road, Stanford Road and the A420, Faringdon SN7 7PL.

(Wards Affected: Faringdon and the Coxwells)


Carole Nicholl, the Democratic Services Officer had declared an interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 35 she remained in the meeting during its consideration.


It was noted that the comments of the Environment Agency were awaited.


It was noted that the application was for outline permission with all matters reserved.  Hence it was noted that the plans were illustrative only.


Further to the report the following points were highlighted: -

-                the employment site was now in a different location, details of which were  explained.  It was commented that its re-siting assisted in the appearance of the site;

-                there would be an integration of residential development into the landscape, with a landscape strategy being worked up;

-                landscape buffers were to be proposed and there were many trees on site which could be moved around;

-                landscaping would help to screen the development;

-                there was a proposal to make three distinct neighbourhoods with distinct design boundaries;

-                a land transfer was being negotiated with the owner of the RAC site to enable  a better access;

-                landscaping was proposed to soften the entrance; and

-                there had been significant public consultation.


Mr D Rixton, the applicant’s agent made a statement in support of the application.  He referred to the significant public consultation and explained that comments received had been taken on board.


One of the local Members commended the applicant on the extent of the public consultation.  He expressed his support for the proposal noting that it accorded with Planning Policy and PPS3.  He commented that the proposal made good use of a previously developed site. He commented that there was a nearby adequate highway and the contribution to sports facilities would be welcomed locally.  He noted that access was being addressed.  Finally, he welcomed the retention of trees and commented that the development would be beneficial to Faringdon.


Other Members also spoke in support of the application commending the applicant on the level of public consultation.  It was considered that the proposal would be welcomed in Faringdon.


One Member noted that the plans were illustrative only and emphasised the need for appropriate landscaping and retention of the trees.  Furthermore, she suggested that the public art should be well considered and appropriate for the site.


It was reported that the issue of siting and facilities were to be resolved at the reserve stage.  The proposals for art had yet to be submitted and the planting would be included in a future application.


In considering the application the following comments were made: -

-           There should be a commuted sum towards the maintenance of trees and open space.  It was noted that the terms of a Section 106 obligation were being discussed with applicants.

-           An Informative should be added to any permission to require the spread of affordable housing throughout the whole of the development.

-           There should be a financial contribution towards waste collection and minimisation and recycling services.  It was noted that this had not been discussed with the applicants.

-           There was a suggestion that the applicant should pay for the provision of at least 400 green boxes.

-           More industrial units in Faringdon were welcomes.


By 14 votes to nil it was




that the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) be delegated authority in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee and the local Members to approve application GFA/19883 – X subject to: -


(1)               the completion of Section 106 obligations with the District and County Councils to secure

(a)        financial contributions towards affordable housing and waste collection (such as dog bins, waste bins and green boxes);

(b)        a commuted sum towards the maintenance of landscaping and

(c)        phasing of the development


(2)               conditions;


(3)        an informative regarding the spread of the affordable house throughout the development.

Supporting documents: