Agenda item

ABG/10456/5 – Demolition of existing buildings. Erection of 2 buildings containing 14 x 1 bedroom flats with associated access, amenity space, car parking and landscaping, Ambulance Station, Springfield Drive, Abingdon, Oxon OX12 1JG

(Wards Affected: Abingdon (Fitzharris))


Councillors Tony de Vere, Richard Farrell, Richard Gibson and Julie Mayhew Archer had each declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 they remained in the meeting during its consideration.


Jeanette Halliday made a statement on behalf of Abingdon Town Council commenting that whilst there were no objections to the plans, she expressed concerns regarding the use of Trendle Place for a rat-run; the increase in speeding vehicles; an increase in the number of vehicles using Trendle Place and the need for traffic calming measures.


Eileen Jeffreys made a statement objecting to the application raising concerns relating to matters already covered in the report.  She specifically raised concern regarding the dangerous entrance to the trading estate; the alleyway and blind bend in terms of safety; loss of vehicle manoeuvring space; pedestrian safety; use of the alleyway by children and the elderly; additional vehicles; traffic congestion; vehicle manoeuvring; the possibility of vehicles reversing onto the footpath; the design being not in keeping with the existing houses; the balconies being out of keeping; loss of privacy; overlooking; noise; loss of sunlight; overdevelopment; the 2-storey element and loss of trees.


Nick Lyzba the applicant’s agent, made a statement in support of the application commenting that the site was in an urban area; it was close to local facilities such as a shop and pub; there was adequate access to the town centre; density would be increased; the proposal was a good scheme; parking was consistent with the Local Plan; access was consistent with the outline planning permission; visibility on the corner had not changed from the scheme previously approved; and the block had been turned around allowing for a footpath which would improve safety.  Compared to the approved scheme, the current proposal would have no adverse impact and there was a unilateral undertaking in relation to highway improvements.


One of the local Members expressed concern regarding overlooking from the balconies commenting that the design was very modern in this location.  He suggested that only the top portion of the wall should be rendered rather than the entire wall and he expressed concern regarding traffic movement and traffic hazards.  He suggested that any Section 106 contributions should be earmarked to traffic calming measures in Trendell Place and to the east end of Springfield Drive.  Furthermore, he suggested that consideration should be given to lorries continuing to reverse into the drive.


Another local Member also raised concerns regarding traffic but noted that the County Engineer had raised no objection.  He noted that the principle of development had been agreed in highway terms, and that professional advice regarding design was supportive.  He referred to the balconies noting that they faced Springfield Drive, commenting he was doubtful that these were sufficient to warrant refusal as they would overlook front gardens.


One Member referred to the traffic calming sought suggesting that it was unreasonable to request that this development make a contribution towards an existing traffic problem.  He considered that the proposal was acceptable in terms of design.


One Member suggested that the Officers should be requested to write to the County Council regarding the specific concerns raised, suggesting that an assessment of traffic should be undertaken.


By 15 votes to nil, it was




(a)        that the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) be delegated authority in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice Chair of the Development Control Committee to approve application ABG/10456/5 subject to :-


(1)        the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the required financial contributions for highways and social infrastructure;


(2)        the conditions set out in the report;


(3)        the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) being requested to write to the County Council drawing attention to the concerns raised regarding the traffic issues and traffic calming in Trendell Place;


(b)        that the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) in consultation with the Chair and/or the Vice Chair of the Development Control Committee being delegated authority to refuse application ABG/10456/5 should the Section 106 Agreement not be completed within the 13 week period (which ends on 5 June 2007) the reason for refusal being based on the lack of necessary financial contributions towards improving local services and facilities.

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