Agenda item

ABG/19956/1- Canopy, refurbishment, fenestration on Units 1-3, 37-39 Bury Street & 13 Market Place, combination of Units 31-32, associated street works. ABG/19956-X - Single storey extension to units 1-3 & 9-12, combination of units, replacement kiosk with a two storey retail unit & associated works. The Precinct, Bury Street, Abingdon


Amanda Prior had given notice that she wished to make a statement objecting to the application but she declined to do so.


The Officers drew attention to the steel canopy which was proposed overhead to allow maintenance.


The Committee was advised that a letter had been received from County and Town Councillor Lesley Legge stating that the detail should respect the historic character of Abingdon.  She raised concern regarding signage which she suggested should be considered as a separate issue.


The Committee was advised that the applicants had asked that approval of the full application be delegated to enable final details to be resolved before the issue of planning permission.  The Committee was therefore asked to consider delegating approval of both applications to the Deputy Director in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee.


One of the local Members broadly welcomed the proposal commenting that the precinct was in need of improvement.  She referred to the use of the car park by residents commenting that she hoped this arrangement would be safeguarded.  She referred to the street furniture commenting that benches without arms were difficult for some people to use.  She commented that it was regrettable that the applicant had not wanted to have sight of the plans for the Market Place as the Town Council had wanted to work together with the applicant on any proposal.  She explained that the theme for the Market Place would be black painted galvanised steel and she suggested that this should be followed through into the precinct.  Finally, she suggested that a financial contribution towards improvements in the Market Place should be sought.


Another local Member questioned whether there was any entitlement for Section 106 contributions.  He expressed support for the proposal commenting that the appearance of the canopies was crucial and that specific regard should be given to their design.  He suggested that the local Members should be consulted as part of any delegated authority.  He referred to phase 2 commenting that the linkage to Bath Street was crucial. He explained that the through route was well used and he sought an assurance that the walk through would be adequate.


Other Members made the following comments:-

·                     The proposal would result in an improvement in the appearance of the precinct which would tie in with the Market Place enhancement scheme.

·                     An additional condition should be imposed requiring that once the poles are removed the pavement is made good using matching materials.

·                     Signage should be considered as a separate issue.

·                     A financial contribution of £15,000 towards the installation of CCTV should be sought.

·                     Furthermore, a financial contribution amounting to 10% of the cost should be sought towards the Market Place improvements.  However, the Officers advised that if funding was already in place for a scheme, financial contributions could not be sought as part of a subsequent planning application.

·                     The open view to Bath Street from the precinct would be obscured and an alleyway created.

·                     The lighting of the alleyway should be considered.

·                     Discussions should be held with the local traders. 

·                     A contribution should be sought towards the maintenance of the alleyway into Queens Street from the precinct.  However, it was noted that the applicant was to take on this responsibility in the future.

·                     Consideration should be given to access to the shops for the disabled.

·                     The design of seating should be suitable for elderly people, preferably with some shelter. 

·                     An improved scheme should be sought.

·                     Any scheme should not compromise the flower displays as part of Britain in Bloom.




(a)        that the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy)in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee and the local Members be delegated authority to approve application ABG/19956/1 subject to: -


(1)               discussions with the applicant regarding the design of street furniture;

(2)               appropriate conditions including a condition that the pavement be made good with the use of matching materials; and

(3)               the signage being considered as a separate issue


(agreed by 12 votes to 1 with 2 abstentions); and


(b)        that the Deputy Director in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee and the local Members be delegated authority to approve application ABG/19956-X subject to: -


(1)        discussions with the applicant concerning lighting;

(2)        seeking financial contributions toward CCTV and towards the Market Place enhancements


(agreed by 9 votes to 6).

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