Agenda item

ABG/19731 – Re-development of car park for residential use. Cattle Market Car Park, Abbey Close, Abingdon


All Members of the Committee had each declared a personal interest in this application and in accordance with Standing Order 34, they remained in the meeting during its consideration.


Further to the report it was noted that a small strip of the site was within the Conservation Area as this covered the area where greenhouses used to be.  These had long since been removed but the Conservation Area boundary remained.  This was an outline application with all matters reserved.  An additional floodplain report would be required regarding the River Stert.  A further letter had been received expressing concern at the loss of parking. 


Martin Smith made a statement on behalf of Abingdon Town Council objecting to the loss of car parking that would result from this application.  This would be contrary to policy TR6 in the Local Plan and could adversely affect the businesses in the town centre.  Visitors to the Council's offices also used the car park, as did users of the Abbey Grounds and Meadows.  He urged the Committee to reject the application and retain the site for car parking. 


Brian Hooton made a statement opposing the proposed development and objecting to the proposal for the Council to delegate authority to itself to approve the application.  He reported that the car park was often full.  If its capacity was reduced this would frustrate drivers.  He urged the Committee to refuse the application and retain the site for car parking. 


Mrs Terry Boswell, a nearby resident, also made a statement objecting to the application as residents of Burgess Close relied on the car park for overflow parking for visitors.  There was demand to retain the car park. 


One of the Local Members reported that the car park was not being used to capacity but growth of the town centre might mean demand for spaces would increase.  The Council had agreed to undertake a long term review of parking provision.  He considered that a cautious approach should be adopted and the car park retained until the review had been completed. 


Other Members of the Committee expressed concern at the proposed development and the resulting loss of car parking.  There was also concern at the impact the development would have on the setting of the Abbey Grounds in the adjacent Conservation Area.  It was suggested that this was not the right site for housing but part of the site could be redeveloped for this purpose. 


The Chair put the recommendation contained in the report to the meeting and this was lost by 15 votes to nil.  The Chair then proposed that the application be refused with the reasons for refusal to come back to the Committee, the reasons to include the development being contrary to policy TR6 of the Local Plan, the undesirable impact on the adjacent Conservation Area and the absence of sufficient information on flood risk at the site. 


By 15 votes to nil, it was




that application ABG/19731 be refused with the reasons for refusal to be formally endorsed at a future meeting of the Committee, such reasons to include the development being contrary to policy TR6 of the Local Plan, the undesirable impact on the adjacent Conservation Area and the absence of sufficient information on flood risk at the site. 

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