Agenda item

LRE/4783/5 Extension & alterations to existing garage. Erection of a domestic garage. Antwicks Stud, Main Street, Letcombe Regis


It was reported that the description of the application on the agenda was incorrect, and should have read “Extension & alteration to existing dwelling.  Erection of a domestic garage.”   It was further reported that two further letters of local support had been received and a letter from the applicant’s agent had been received responding to concerns raised locally.  A letter of support had also been received from the local Member, the content of which was read out in full at the meeting.  In particular the local Member asked that he be consulted on the materials to be used and sought confirmation that the legal agreement relating to the site still applied.


In response, the Principal Planning Officer confirmed that the legal agreement relating to a previous permission still applied and suggested an informative, in the event that planning permission was granted, stating that the application was for an extension and should the existing dwelling be demolished then no planning permission would exist to rebuild the property and the reasons for permitting this development would not apply.


Major D Shaw, on behalf of the Parish Council, made a statement objecting to the application, raising concerns relating to matters already covered in the report.  He questioned the Officer view that the proposal would enhance the character of the area.  He referred to a previous planning application submitted by the applicant to convert the stables to form three dwellings at the site, which was withdrawn in September 2005.


Mr A Fox-Edwards made a statement objecting to the application, raising concerns to matters already covered in the report.  He claimed that the proposed development would be detrimental to the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and supported the views of the Planning Advisor to that body.


Mr C Strang, the applicants agent, made a statement in support of the application.  In response to objections raised he explained that extensions to dwellings in the AONB were allowed.  He accepted that there were some public views into the site but considered that the development would be well screened.  The proposed development of one and a half storeys would be an attractive construction which would enhance the local area.  He referred to the Officer report which addressed all of the objections and noted that the closest neighbour to the site had raised no objection and that the Parish Council had not been unanimous in its objection.


Members supported the proposal and commended the design, which it was considered enhanced the AONB and was an improvement on the existing dwelling.  It was accepted that the proposed extension was large and that the use of appropriate materials would be an important consideration.


One Member, although welcoming the design of the proposed extension, expressed concern that its size might be contrary to policy.  In response, the Development Control Manager understood this concern but confirmed that two principal walls of the existing dwelling would be retained and therefore the proposal did not constitute a complete rebuild.


By 14 votes to 1, it was




That application LRE/4783/5 be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report, together with an informative advising that should the existing dwelling be completely demolished, the development would constitute a rebuild and due to its size, it would be contrary to policy.

Supporting documents: