Agenda item

MIL/10797/19 – Erection of 112 seat tiered grandstand with three seating spaces allocated for wheelchair users. Milton Playing Fields, Milton Heights, Milton


Mr Strange made a statement on behalf of Milton Parish Council commenting that whilst the Parish Council had supported the Club in the past the current proposal was inappropriate.  He raised concerns regarding the proposal being contrary to Local Plan Policy GS.2 in that it was unjustified development in the open countryside in that the Club already had facilities.  He made reference to Bramley Cottage in Potash Lane where planning permission was refused for reasons associated with traffic generation.  He explained that the Committee should be consistent and refuse this application for similar reasons. Finally he expressed concern regarding parking which he considered would be inadequate for this proposal.


Mr Smith speaking on behalf of the applicant advised that the Football Association had increased the seating capacity requirement for Grade 5 clubs and therefore the Club had been forced into putting forward a proposal.  He explained that in addition the Club did not have facilities for disabled people.  He commented that the Club provided football for the community and that the facilities were used for training By the Oxford United Football Club and local schools. He advised that there was sufficient parking and in the event that additional parking was needed the Club had permission from Grove Farm to use its land for overspill parking.  He commented that the average attendance was 70 people, with the largest gate being 680 people.  At this event no parking problem had been experienced and that there was no on-road parking. Finally, he commented that there would be no visual impact and that there was an avenue of trees and some broadleaf trees which provided screening.


One Member expressed sympathy for the comments made by the Parish Council regarding the Committee being inconsistency.  She referred to the refusal of an application nearby due to increase traffic and questioned how it would be possible not to refuse this application having regard to that. She suggested that this facility would draw traffic into the area and that there would be more traffic at the Milton interchange.  However, she commented that she understood the need for more seating and she expressed concern that other clubs would come forward with similar applications.  Finally, she referred to the use of land at Grove Farm for overspill parking, albeit on an adhoc basis, questioning whether this was acceptable. 


The Officers reported that the Council had already received similar applications for seating because of the new Football Association requirements and that each application needed to be considered on its merits.  He clarified that the issue of parking on the neighbouring farm land would qualify for temporary use rights and would not require planning permission if it occurred on no more than 28 days in the year.


Other Members spoke in support of the application commenting that there were no reasons to refuse permission.  However, it was commented that the Council would not wish to see extensive advertising all over the stand.  The Officer clarified that the stand was to be painted dark green.


One Member whilst supporting the application queried why the proposal was not linked to parking provision.  The officers clarified that the County Engineer had raised no objection and that there was no indication that the level of parking need would increase.


By 12 votes to nil with 1 abstention it was




that application MIL/10797/19 be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report.

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