Agenda item

GRO/16525/1 – Proposed alterations for a Micro Wind turbine attached to the side of the property. 7 Membury Way, Grove


The Committee was advised that it had not been possible to demonstrate the noise levels of this type of micro wind turbine and therefore it was suggested that should the Committee be minded to approve the application, permission should be granted for a temporary period of one year to enable monitoring of the wind turbine in terms of noise.


Furthermore, the Committee was advised that the turbine was now to be set back in line with the end of the garage and therefore the Officers considered that there would be no visual impact.


The Environmental Health Officer who was present at the meeting explained that there was limited noise data available in respect of these wind turbines.  He reported that the Council had to rely on information from other local authorities.  He commented that it had not been possible to identify this type of turbine in an urban setting anywhere, although there were other models where advice could be given based on actual noise data.  He reported that he had been contacted by the manufacturer of the proposed turbines and had been informed that they would be carrying out an assessment of noise for this model but that this would take some time and that in his opinion it was unreasonable to defer consideration of this application pending that research.


Mr C Colliass the applicant made a statement in support of the application commenting that the Committee should grant planning permission without a temporary condition attached.  He commented that the Council had had significant time to obtain evidence that the proposed turbine would cause a nuisance in terms of noise.  He commented that the Council had been informed where this type of turbine was sited but relevant information had not been obtained and there was no proof that harm would be caused.  He suggested that permission should be granted particularly having regard to a precedent established through the granting of permission for a similar application in Abingdon. Finally, he referred to no objections being raised in terms of visual impact and advised that this type of turbine was being sold in local DIY stores and that there would be many applications for their siting.


In response to a question raised, the Environmental Health Officer advised that if permission was granted for a temporary period he would plan with applicant and local residents some regular monitoring and measurements having regard to different winds and directions.


One Member questioned why the turbine in Abingdon had been considered acceptable.  The Environmental Health Officer explained that every model produced a different noise signature and consequently not all turbines were the same.  It was reiterated that noise data for this type was scarce and therefore the Council had to rely on data from other authorities. However, it had been possible to identify where some types of turbines had been successfully installed without complaints.


Some Members spoke against the application considering that the turbine would be unsightly and there was uncertainty regarding noise.  However, other Members spoke in support of the application but agreed that permission should be granted for a temporary period to allow monitoring.


By 14 votes to 1 it was




that application GRO/16525/1 be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report.

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