Agenda item

MIL/6026/4-X – Demolish buildings. Erect new buildings to form trunk road services, restaurant/take away, car/lorry park, break down recovery and repair, access, landscaping, associated works. Land Adjacent to The Applecart, Milton Heights, Milton


The Committee was reminded that this was an outline application and that access was the only point for consideration.


Further to the report it was noted that the Environment Agency had withdrawn its holding objection and proposed conditions from the Agency were awaited.


It was reported that a number of concerns had been raised regarding the uses suggested on the plan, such as the trunk road accident recovery.  However, it was emphasised that the plan was for illustrative purposes only and that none of the uses were any more than illustrative.


Mr Strange made a statement on behalf of Milton Parish Council objecting to the application commenting that Back Hill Lane was a public road which had been locked; the public were permitted to use the road which was not a disused farm track; the Parish Council objected to the proposal notwithstanding the Local Plan; development of the site should not be carried out in a piecemeal way; the site was inadequate for the illustrative uses; the site was too small for a lorry park particularly having regard to vehicle numbers and size of vehicles and further regard should be given to the vehicle numbers provided by the Highway Agency.


Dr Hords made a statement on behalf of Didcot Town Council expressing concern regarding the impact of the proposal on traffic on other routes and accesses; numbers of vehicles at specific periods; parking and piecemeal development.  He suggested a single point of entry and a single point of exit might be acceptable.  However, these would be onto and off a very busy stretch of road.


Mr T Gashe, the applicant’s agent made a statement in support of the application commenting that considerable time had been taken to prepare this application; the area was allocated for development in the Local Plan; the site had a long standing allocation; the area was in multiple ownership and the landowners had agreed a scheme to provide an improved access; there would be a new access to Site One Milton Park; the Local Plan Inspector had advised that provided there was a comprehensive access scheme then such a proposal would be acceptable; this interim arrangement would not compromise future development; traffic to and from the site would be outside peak hours; there would be improved highway safety; the exits were satisfactory; there were no objections from the County Council and the Section 106 was about to be signed.


In response to a question raised the Committee was advised that in making comments the County Council would have had regard to the impact on the nearby trunk road and would require contributions towards the programme of highway improvement planned for the Didcot area.


In response to a concern raised, the Officers reiterated that the uses on the plan were for illustrative purposes only and that detail of the proposed uses and associated matters would form an integral part of a reserved matters application.


In response to a further question raised it was clarified that the existing access and egress situation in respect of MacDonald’s and the petrol filling station would remain and there would be a new separate access for the current application site.


One Member expressed concern regarding the need for improvements to the interchange and the problems with traffic at present. However, the Committee’s attention was drawn to the letter received from the County Council attached to the report at Appendix 4 and the comments on traffic impact were highlighted.


By 15 votes to nil it was




(a)        that the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice Chair of the Development Control Committee be delegated authority to approve application MIL/6026/4-X subject to the signing of a Section 106 agreement to secure highway contributions and subject to conditions, including the submission of the outstanding reserved matters; the provision of an access road to the southern boundary of the site and any conditions proposed by the Environment Agency; and


(b)               that in the event that the Section 106 agreement is not signed and completed by 21 September 2006, the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice Chair of the Development Control Committee be delegated authority to refuse application MIL/6026/4-X for the reason that the necessary contributions required to mitigate the impact of the development on the local highway network have not been secured.

Supporting documents: