Agenda item

ABG/14753/9 - Variation of condition 1 of permission ABG/14753/8 to allow two deliveries between 2100 and 0630. Waitrose, Abbey Close, Abingdon


The Committee noted that letters of objecting had been received raising concerns that the special delivery methods which were aimed at ensuring that noise was kept to a minimum were not being adhered to.   The Officers had reviewed the evidence and had concluded that provided the practices were followed noise would be minimal.


Further to the report, it was reported that County Councillor Lesley legge had objected to the application raising concern that the proposal would cause harm in terms of noise.


Mrs Boswell and Fay Walker, representing local residents each made a statement objecting to the application raising concerns relating to matters already covered in the report.  It was explained that the residential houses had been built prior to the extension of the store and that the existing special delivery practices in place were not being complied with.  It was commented that deliveries at night necessitated late night staffing and the area was being used as a “rat run” with vehicles speeding through the area causing noise and disturbance to the residents.  It was reported that youths gathered in the evening resulting in anti social behaviour and calls to the Police. It was commented that this supermarket was unnecessary in the town centre and consideration should be given to its re-siting away from residential properties.  In addition reference was made to the residents of Penlon Place and concerns were raised regarding adverse impact on them in terms of noise at the access; the proximity of large lorries to windows of habitable rooms causing noise disturbance to families with very young children; noise from vehicles over the road hump; noise from reversing beepers and noise from sounding horns.


Emma Langmaid, the applicant’s agent had given notice that she wished to make a statement at the meeting in support of the application, but she declined to do so.


One of the local Members expressed concern regarding the proposal in terms of the noise disturbances already mention including those from vehicle engines being left running.  It was commented that much of the new housing had yet to be occupied and she considered that the application, if approved should be for a temporary period to enable monitoring that the special delivery practices were adhered to.


The other local Member referred to the report which advised that the Environmental Health Officer had no objection.  He questioned whether a night time inspection had been carried out as the report referred only to an inspection in the afternoon.  He suggested that a view on this would be beneficial to the Committee in determining the application. He agreed that many of the new residential units had yet to be occupied and explained that this had been one of the concerns raised by the Inspector and a reason why permission for late night deliveries had been temporary in the first instance.  He suggested that permission should be granted on a temporary basis which would allow the impact to be assessed as new residents moved into the new properties.


One Member suggested that a number of issues raised should be looked at further, namely the speed hump; reversing beepers of delivery lorries; noise resulting from cages being rattled over the concrete surface; vehicles “rat running” through the site and the possibility of closure of the car park gates.


The Committee was advised that the speed hump was part of the Audlett Drive car park which was in the Council’s ownership.


By 17 votes to nil, it was




(a)        that application ABG/14753/9 be approved subject to the following condition: -


Deliveries to the food store hereby permitted shall be made only between the hours of 0630 and 2100, during any day the food store is open to the general public save, in addition, a maximum of 2 deliveries may be made between the hours of 2100 and 0630 for a temporary period of one year from the date of this decision. The night time deliveries hereby approved shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the special delivery method set out in the applicant’s letter dated 13 April 2006.


(b)        that the Officers discuss with the applicant the closure of the barriers/gates during the night time.


(c)        that the Officers take up with the applicant the concerns raised regarding noise caused by the following: -


(1)               traffic passing over the speed hump;

(2)               vehicle reversing beepers;

(3)               engines being left running;

(4)               metal cages on the concrete surface.

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