Agenda item

Vale of White Horse Local Plan to 2011

To receive and consider report 7/06 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) and the recommendations of the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group. 


(Councillor Briony Newport declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34, she left the meeting during consideration of her son's objection.) 


The Committee received and considered report 7/06 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy), which set out the proposed response to the formal consultation on the Proposed Modifications to the Local Plan 2011.  The report set out the detailed responses from the public and consultees, together with the recommendations from the Planning officers.  The Committee also received recommendations from the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group that had met earlier in the evening.  Further objections from Persimmon Homes, Ashbury Parish Council and ProVision were reported also. 


The Committee had to make recommendations to the Executive and on to the Council on 14 June 2006 to amend or adopt the Local Plan.  Members noted that minor wording changes could be made without the need to re-advertise these and delay the Local Plan's adoption. 


The Committee carefully considered the Advisory Group's recommendations in respect of the responses set out in the report and the additional responses.  Some concern was expressed at the allocation of the two housing sites in North Hinksey adding to the existing flooding and drainage problems in the village.  Members were reminded that any planning application would have to include a flood prevention and drainage scheme.   Developers were likely to be responsible for funding such improvements. 


Members noted that the further submissions from ProVision, on the housing allocation for the former Dow site at Letcombe Regis, had been discussed at length by the Advisory Group, which had recommended that the housing allocation of 100 dwellings should not be amended further.  The Committee concurred with the Advisory Group's view.  However, it was considered that Counsel's opinion should be sought on the fall back position of employment use at the site.  This could be reported to the Executive on 2 June 2006. 


After careful consideration the Advisory Group concluded that there should be no further substantive changes to the Local Plan.  However, the following minor changes were suggested to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to be made prior to adoption of the plan:

·         Paragraph 5.24 of the Local Plan should be further amended to read 'The developer will also be required to fund…'

·         In relation to the housing site south of Lime Road, Botley, the officers will investigate the possibility of protecting trees on the boundary of the site




(a)        that the Executive be recommended to recommend on to the Council to:

(i)         note the representations received on the Council’s decisions on the Inspector’s recommendations and the proposed modifications to the Local Plan and agree the officers’ observations and recommendations as amended;

(ii)        accept there is no justification for making further substantive changes to the Local Plan which would require the publication of further proposed modifications;

(iii)       delegate authority to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to make minor editorial changes and up-dates to the Local Plan prior to adoption;

(iv)       adopt the Vale of White Horse Local Plan to 2011, as proposed to be modified, and authorise officers to give notice of this decision and take the remaining necessary steps in accordance with the regulations; and


(b)       that the Executive be recommended to consider and make recommendations to the Council regarding Counsel's opinion on the former Dow site at Letcombe Regis. 


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