Agenda item

P23/V1736/HH and P23/V1737/LB - Wellshead Cottage Harwell OX11 0HD

Single and two storey rear extensions to cottage (amended plans received 30 August, 4 and 23 October, with additional ecological information received 4 October 2023).


The committee considered planning applications P23/V1736/HH and P23/V1737/LBfor single and two storey rear extensions to cottage (amended plans received 30 August, 4 and 23 October, with additional ecological information received 4 October 2023), at Wellshead Cottage, Harwell, OX11 0HD.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application related to a detached Grade II listed property located on a corner plot. The site was accessed from the west and was located nearby Englefield and Wellshead House, both Grade II listed properties. The planning officer also informed the committee that the site fell within the Harwell conservation area.


The proposed extensions were located to the south east corner of the building and the second storey comprised a new bedroom and ensuite which would include new windows. The planning officer advised it was officers’ opinion that the new windows were of limited impact as they would be obscured and only top opening and the side facing windows were sufficiently oblique to prevent harmful overlooking.


The planning officer highlighted to the committee that no objections had been raised by the heritage officer.


Cath Convery spoke objecting to the application.


Councillor Hayleigh Gascoigne, a local ward councillor, spoke on the application.


The committee enquired about the narrow access to neighbouring properties if repairs were required and if there was a right of access. The planning officer confirmed this issue had been raised by both the neighbour and the applicant and it had been established that the land was owned solely by the applicant. Whilst the planning officer did appreciate that the properties were close she advised that this was a civil matter, the extension would be set marginally further away than the present built form and that the heritage officer had not raised any concerns on grounds of maintenance.


The committee went on to ask the planning officer to confirm if the local highways authority had responded to the consultation. The planning officer confirmed that the local highways authority had responded and raised no objection. She went on to advise that the current parking standard for villages was up to two spaces for a four bedroom house and that the garage could be used for parking.


The committee also asked the planning officer to confirm how far the proposed windows were from neighbouring properties. The planning officer confirmed that the closest point would be 92cm from the rear elevation. The planning officer went on to advise that the bathroom window would be obscure glazed and non-opening save for a top hung vent and that the bedroom window did not directly overlook and it was therefore not harmful enough to warrant refusal in officers' opinion.


Motions, moved and seconded, to approve the planning permission and listed building consent applications were carried on being put to the vote.


The committee noted that there was no objection to the application from either the parish council or the heritage officer. It reflected that the proposed development sits on its own site and that the problematic window would be obscure glazed and non-opening. The committee noted the materials condition as set out in the officer report.


RESOLVED: to approve planning application P23/V1736/HH, subject to the following conditions:



1. Time limit - Full Application

2. Approved Plans List

3. Approved Supporting Documents



4. Samples of materials 

5. Car Parking & Garage

6. Obscured Glazing (Opening)


RESOLVED: to approve the listed building consent application P23/V1737/LB, subject to the following conditions:



1. Time limit – LB-CA Consent

2. Approved Plans List

3. Approved Supporting Documents



4. Samples of Materials

5. Joinery Details

6. Groundworks Methodology

Supporting documents: