Agenda item

SUN/7291/5 – Demolition of existing 8 flats and construction of replacement building containing 8 flats Lincombe Lodge, Fox Lane, Boars Hill


The Committee was advised of an amendment to the report in that reference should be made to Foxcombe Lodge Hotel and not Lincombe Lodge Hotel.


The Committee was advised that the applicant had reported that the volume increase was 29.7% and that the Consultant Architect and the Architect’s Panel had no objection to the proposal.


Furthermore, the Committee was informed that Wootton Parish Council had no objection to the application, but Sunningwell Parish Council had objected raising concerns regarding the volume increase which it suggested was more than stated by the applicant; the way in which the volume increase had been calculated it being considered that on average each flat would increase by 60%; size; height; precedent; the re-siting of the building further into the site; the amount of traffic on the road and traffic generation.  The Parish Council had commented that it would welcome a meeting with the developers for them to explain how they had calculated the volume increase.


The Officers explained that the volume percentage was calculated based on the external volume of the building which was the requirement in the Local Plan.  It was noted that a slight increase in an external volume could lead to a considerable increase in the internal volume of habitable space within a dwelling.


The Committee was advised on two representations received objecting to the application raising concerns regarding the access and vision splays in terms of safety; the increase in volume; breach of the building line (although it was noted that the building was to be pushed back further into the site); loss of amenity; increased traffic; car parking; harmful impact on the character and appearance of the area and the lawful use of the building for flats.


The Committee noted that an application on this site had previously been refused because the proposal would have resulted in a volume increase in excess of 40%, contrary to Green Belt Policy.


The Committee was advised that should it be minded to approve the application, authority to do so should be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Committee subject to the conditions set out in the report together with conditions to address parking and access, vision splays, landscaping boundary treatment and an archaeological watching brief.


Mr Nichol on behalf of Sunningwell Parish Council made a statement objecting to the application raising concerns relating to matters reported earlier in the meeting.  He reiterated concerns regarding the volume increase which it was considered would be 60%; height; loss of amenity; breach of the building line; overlooking; the location of the car parking; traffic generation; and the setting of a precedent.  He commented that other homes on Boars Hill had been subdivided and that approval of this application would lead to other applications in the area.


Mr I Fletcher the applicant’s agent made a statement in support of the application reminding the Committee that the previous application had been refused because of the volume increase and that to raise other issues of concern at this stage would be unreasonable, such as the relationship of the building with the Lodge, car parking and height.  He suggested that as these matters had been acceptable at the time of the earlier application then they should be acceptable now.  Referring to the volume increase he commented that for the last application, it had been argued that a 50% volume increase was permissible and that a barrister’s view on this had been obtained.  However, the applicant now sought to comply with the Council Officers’ advice and the volume increase proposed was less than 30%.  Finally he commented that the proposal was in accordance with relevant planning policies.


One Member spoke in support of the application noting that the applicant had been careful not to include windows which would result in overlooking; the volume percentage was acceptable and the County Engineer had no objection.


By 17 votes to nil it was




that the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee be delegated authority to approve application SUN/7291/5 subject to: -


1.         the conditions set out in the report;


2.         additional conditions to address parking and access; vision splays; landscaping; boundary treatment and an archaeological watching brief.

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council