Agenda item

Developing a Place Narrative for Oxfordshire

To consider a report to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership setting out a more developed view of the place narrative project and its purpose.


The Panel considered a report to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership which set out the opportunity to develop a new place narrative for Oxfordshire and further information on the project and its purpose. It was noted that the Partnership was asked to support the intention to create a place narrative and to authorise the Partnership’s Executive Officer Group and other relevant officer to work with Oxfordshire County Council to develop plans and an approach. Robin Rogers, Programme Director, (Partnerships and Delivery), Oxfordshire County Council introduced the report and responded to member questions and feedback. It was highlighted that:


·           A key rationale behind the development of an Oxfordshire Place narrative was to be able to enhance Oxfordshire’s reputation by putting together a piece of work and set of materials that would coherently express the county’s key messages and story to HM Government and business.

·           It was felt that as a county, there was a strong offer to make. This included those matters arising from initiatives such as the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision and the priorities within it relating to nature and the Net Zero Route Map and Action Plan.

·           The opportunity and challenge was to highlight these central messages and get them noticed by national and international audiences.

·           The initiative was not about setting policy or duplicating the work already undertaken through other strategies such as OxIS, or District and City council Local Plans. Rather it was intended to set out a joint story of the partners involved and would focus on areas of common agreement.

·           A place narrative would provide a visible and tangible tool for a range of sectors and different types of organisations to use in acting as ambassadors for the county, not just local authorities. It would provide a sense of ownership that could be used across of a diverse range of matters such as alternative forms of financing, regulatory change, essential infrastructure etc.


A detailed discussion took place with a wide range of members views expressed. A number of member expressed serious concerns including the need and added value of developing a place narrative in addition to the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision, the risk of diluting the Vision, the potential costs in officer time to individual councils, democratic oversight and scrutiny of the proposals within Oxfordshire County Council, that it could reintroduce a narrative about economic growth that was not supported by all councils and the legal weight of the Place Narrative to planning applications and Local Plans. Whilst it was noted that a Place Narrative might contribute towards attracting new and innovative forms of investment, it was also felt important to be mindful of the advantages and disadvantages of any sources of funding as well as any terms. 


After further discussion, there was a lack of unanimity within the Panel on whether or not to recommend that the Partnership support the intention to create a place narrative. Other members whilst sharing of some of the above concerns felt that whilst further detail was needed, a Place Narrative could be a significant positive opportunity as a communications tool for the county and in seeking to attract external investment. The current decision for the Partnership was around support for exploring a narrative, not setting the detail of the content of that narrative. 




1)     That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership be recommended to seek further clarification on the following matters below to satisfy the concerns raised by the Panel: 


a)     That further information is needed of the purpose and added value of the narrative and that it will not duplicate, replace, or contradict the Oxfordshire Vision for Long Term Sustainable Development.


b)     That the FOP note that each local planning authority may wish to seek its own advice to verify the statement in the report that there are no legal implications arising from it.


c)     That further information on the resource implications for the Districts and City Council of participation in the development of the narrative is required.


d)     That in the future, if any narrative is developed then it considers drawing on the doughnut economic framework to support framing communications about sustainable economic development.


2)     That FOP request that Oxfordshire County Council sets out the different types and source of investments that the place narrative is intended to be used to attract, and the pros and cons of these different types of finance.


Note: Councillor Sean Woodcock requested that it be recorded that he could not support a recommendation to the Partnership that development of a place narrative not be supported. 


Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council