For information: To consider a report to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership setting out an update on the progress of the Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership (OIEP) priorities and the launch and uptake of the OIEP Charter.
The Panel considered a report to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership which provided an update on the progress of the Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership, (OIEP) priorities, the OIEP Delivery Plan and Strategy and the launch and uptake of the OIEP Charter. Emma Coles, OIEP Manager gave a presentation summarising the main points of the report.
Jeremy Long, Co-Chair of the OIEP added that in terms of progressing the priorities of the OIEP further there were three key areas where the organisations represented within the Future Oxfordshire Partnership could assist:
· Use of social value procurement policies so as to give local organisations as much opportunity as possible to bid for contracts for goods and services
· That for higher value procurement at scale, such as building works, requirements for organisations submitting tenders include requirements for those organisations to undertake good community engagement plans
· Communication and promotion of the OIEP priorities and the OIEP Charter, (for example via the networks of district and city council economic development officers)
In discussion the Panel was pleased to see the good progress made in the development of the OIEP which they fully supported. A number of Panel members commented that they would be happy to promote the work of the OIEP and opportunities for organisations to get involved through their own community contacts and networks and Emma Coles indicated that she was happy to provide some sample materials that could be used to explain and promote the OIEP.
With regard to a question regarding the relationship and possible crossover between the work of the OIEP and the refresh of the Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan being led by OxLEP the Panel was informed that there was good knowledge and awareness of other complementary initiatives, particularly those matters to which OxLEP had a national mandate to lead on so as not to duplicate them.
RESOLVED: That the OIEP be asked through the Future Oxfordshire Partnership to consider the following summary feedback of points raised by Panel members:
1. Whilst supporting the expansion of initiatives such as Arch Readers in improving education attainment, problems in recruiting and retaining school staff, (for example Teaching Assistants) be recognised.
2. The importance of the promotion and support of co-operative enterprises as part of the OIEP’s social value and procurement workstream
3. Importance of adult education and the challenges around adult numeracy and literacy, (for example amongst ex-offenders) in address inequality.
4. The importance of developing skills of young people in the emerging green sector such as retrofit and insulation as well as capturing skills and knowledge in traditional areas for the future.
5. The importance of access to low cost and local travel solutions for disadvantaged groups including young people.
6. Higher rates of youth unemployment
7. The importance of understanding and taking account of the needs of Oxfordshire’s diverse urban and rural communities so as to reflect the county as a whole.
8. The role of placemaking and the value to be added by the support of local community start-ups in instilling a sense of community pride.
9. That factors relating to gender be recognised in the context of inequality, for example numbers of women and girls studying STEM subjects, menopause, and lower rates of educational attainment amongst some male cohorts.
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OX14 3JE