Agenda item

Corporate Plan - Performance Report for Quarter 4 and annual report 2021-22

Committee to note the Corporate Plan performance report for quarter 4 and the annual report for 2021-22, focusing on the ‘Tackling the Climate Emergency’ theme.



Committee were presented with the quarter four report and the annual report 2021/22. Officers were present to answer any queries, but members were encouraged to email the Cabinet member or officers with detailed questions, as the information may not be available in the meeting.


Committee were asked to focus on Theme 2: Tackling the climate emergency.


A member asked for more detail on the agenda regarding the requirement of the committee for this item, rather than standard wording “for noting”. Democratic Services Officer confirmed that there was now a standard routine for reviewing the corporate plan performance quarterly reports at scrutiny and CEAC, where members ask questions or raise comments which are reviewed by officers and Cabinet members, therefore informing improvement of the plan and its outcomes. Democratic Services Officer will consider the wording on the agenda for this item to elaborate. Chair reminded committee that this was not a decision-making committee, and that all reports stated for noting, discussion would be expected as standard at CEAC.


A member asked about the carbon emissions reporting that was produced by the council – can we add this to the quarterly report? It was confirmed that the greenhouse gases report was in a separate format, but officer added they would consider adding this information to the annual performance report.


Another member suggested a deeper dive into leisure centre decarbonisation figures, costs, savings? Cabinet member for Environment informed committee that some work was being completed with other Cabinet members, it was being actively looked at. Solutions were being looked at, such as pool covers. Cabinet member hoped to bring some findings back to committee when possible.


To have a deeper dive, officers confirmed that committee would need to add items to their work programme, by notifying the chair, and the climate team would look into what can be achieved and when, for presentation at committee.


It was added by a member that decarbonisation of leisure centres was mentioned and a report expected in May. Not just outdoor pools, but the indoor centres. Officer updated that surveys had been commissioned for Wantage and White Horse Leisure Centres. We are now using these to compile new bids, expected in September. Insight and Policy Manager will consider what form the reports were in and how they can be presented to committee at a future date.


On page 24 – communication to the public – chair asked whether we had a wider strategy for communication of climate topics and advice? It was responded that the communications team meet with the climate team to discuss what should be pushed forward. There was a brand-new OCC website, in collaboration with local districts, to add case studies of what we were doing. The website was in its infancy, but a good way to avoid duplication and improve sharing and collaboration.

Tips and suggestions for the website were welcomed.


It was confirmed in response to query on bulky waste progress, that bulky waste was a priority for Cabinet member for Environment, and she informed committee that there was a repurpose and reuse initiative this weekend with OCC at the recycling centre. Cabinet member will report back on this.



Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council