Agenda item

ECH/5231/12-D - New girls school including teaching and residential accommodation, chapel, sports facilities etc. Challow Park, Challow Road, Wantage


Councillor Terry Cox had declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he remained in the meeting during its consideration.


A model of the proposal together with the application drawings were displayed at the meeting.  


Further to the report, Members were advised that the access would be dealt with as a separate reserve matter at a later stage.  In addition, it was reported that there was a footpath across the site, which would also be dealt with at a later stage.


Members were also advised that it had been discovered that there were bats in the barns and a badger set in one corner of the development site. In this regard, the Committee’s attention was drawn to the comments of English Nature raising no objection to the proposal agreeing this as an exceptional case, subject to conditions.  It was explained that the bats would be dealt with in a sympathetic manner and the badger’s set would be moved to a new location outside of the development site.


Finally, the Committee was advised that the auditorium had now been omitted from the scheme, together with the three staff houses which would be the subject of a further application.


The scheme was described in detail it being explained that the elevations on the cruciform building had been amended to address the concerns raised by the residents of the neighbouring property.  There were to be no windows above ground floor on that gable end.


The Committee was advised that should it be minded to approve the application additional conditions should be added to address the detailing of the feature on the roof of the Chapel building which differed from that shown on the model.  It was considered that the square design of the features on the model was preferable.  Further details on this were to be sought.  Furthermore, a condition requesting additional brick detailing on the main elevations was suggested.


Finally the Committee was advised of an amendment to the report in that the last condition should require that the ecological survey should be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Mr T Gashe, the applicant’s agent made a statement in support of the application explaining that the proposed design was being suggested due to the constraints imposed, namely that all built development should be within the existing sites of the depot and Challow Park House and that a significant proportion of the trees should be retained.   He explained that the proposal would involve large buildings, but the intention had been to design the development using slopes and trees to ensure that none exceeded the height of Challow Park House.  With this in mind the auditorium had been omitted from the scheme at this stage.  He reported that due to the slope of the site and the tree coverage there would be no adverse visual impact and there would be interesting building forms and styles, roof lines, and modern buildings.  He reported that regard had been taken to views and concerns expressed and to this end the scheme had been amended.  Dormers had been changed in design and material; there had been changes to the west elevation of the St Hildas/St Margaret’s block; residential properties had been deleted; the auditorium had been omitted; and there had been adjustments to building positions to retain an oak tree.  He reported that the applicant would be willing to discuss aspects of detailing, materials and brickwork.  Finally he commented that the proposal represented an attractive modern solution sensitive to the surrounding area and location.

At this point in the meeting it was proposed by the Chair and


RESOLVED (nem com)


(a)        that the meeting of the Committee do adjourn for 10 minutes to allow Members an opportunity to view the model and coloured elevation drawings on display.


The meeting adjourned at 6.55pm


The meeting reconvened at 7.05pm


Some Members spoke in support of the application commenting that the proposal was excellent having regard to the constraints imposed.  It was commented that further consideration was needed regarding brick detailing and that the footpath should be kept as it was well used by residents of East Challow.  It was further commented that the proposal had added interest due to the slope of the site.  It was suggested that although large buildings were proposed, the slope would lessen their impact.


One Member expressed surprise at the comments of the County Engineer in terms of the need for 120 car parking spaces.  He welcomed the parking and its spread throughout the development.


One Member supported the application but considered that details of window surrounds and bricks should be sought; there should be a slab levels condition; a panel of materials should be erected on site with materials being approved by the Development Control Committee and that details of the boundary treatment, namely fencing should first be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. It was also suggested that there should be obscure glazing of the two first floor bathroom windows in the elevation which would overlook the neighbour.


One Member sought clarification on the environmental and sustainability measures to which the Officer explained that it was not intended that there would be solar panels but that measures would be introduced to maximise solar gain.  It was clarified that this would be achieve through the orientation of the buildings to maximise the benefits of the sun in summer and winter.


It was highlighted that a condition regarding the siting of the plant and machinery would be necessary.


By 17 votes to nil it was




(b)        that application ECH/5231/12-D be approved subject to: -


(1)        the ecological issues on the site being satisfactorily resolved;


(2)        the conditions set out in the report with condition 5 being amended to read as follows: -


“Prior to work commencing on site a full ecological survey of the bats and badgers on the site, including recommended mitigation measures, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority”


(3)        further conditions: -


(i)         to require further information on the detailing of the roof of the Chapel building;


(ii)        to require details of window surrounds and brick detailing generally;


(iii)       require details of the siting of plant and machinery;


(iv)       to address slab levels;


(v)        to provide for a scheme of boundary treatment to be first submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority;


(vi)       to require obscure glazing to the bathroom windows in the western wing of St Hilda’s and St Margaret’s accommodation block;


(c)        that the applicant be requested to erect a panel of sample materials on site; it being noted that materials would be submitted to the Development Control Committee for approval.

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council