Agenda item

Oxfordshire Plan 2050- Endorsement of Regulation 18 Part two Plan for consultation

To consider a report to the Growth Board recommending that the Growth Board note and endorse the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Regulation 18 Part 2 Consultation Document and asking that partner councils approve the draft plan for consultation.




The Panel considered a report to the Growth Board which provided a summary of the arrangements for the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Regulation 18 Part Two consultation (it was noted that the draft Regulation 18 Part Two consultation document – and supporting information – had been published as a supplementary agenda pack for the meeting). The Board, at their meeting on 19 July, would be asked to note and endorse the consultation document for consideration and approval by partner district councils.


Giles Hughes, West Oxfordshire District Council Chief Executive, informed the Panel that the decision on whether to proceed with the consultation represented a significant milestone in the Plan’s programme. He paid tribute to all the officers that had been involved in the process. Once the consultation on the options presented had been completed, the responses would be considered, and a final Plan put together and consulted upon as part of the Regulation 19 process.  


The Chair stressed that at this stage in the process, the Growth Board’s endorsement was being sought to commence the consultation on the Plan document and it was, therefore, on this specific issue that the Panel’s recommendations and views were sought. There would be the opportunity to comment on the Plan if the partner district councils approved the consultation document. 


The Chair suggested that the Panel should submit a formal consultation response. This would be prepared by a group consisting of himself, the Vice-Chair and any other members who wished to contribute. The draft submission would then be considered at the Panel’s meeting on 13 September. The Chair’s proposal received the endorsement of members. 


Adrian Colwell, Strategic Advisor to the Oxfordshire Plan 2050, introduced the draft consultation document to the Panel. He emphasised that it presented different options for the county’s future and contained themes consistent with the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision.


Councillor Emily Smith, Chair of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Advisory Group, paid tribute to officers for their work in progressing the Plan to the point of Regulation 18 consultation. She stressed that its publication would mark the start of a genuine consultation around the options facing the county. It was, therefore, important that as many people as possible took part in the consultation. Consequently, members were asked to raise awareness within their own communities. 


In discussion, the Panel raised the importance of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 incorporating strong polices and standards to lock in progress towards net zero carbon. They also highlighted that policies designed to address inequalities needed to cover the full range of social outcomes rather than being narrowly focused on health.


Members asked how the consultation would be undertaken. They commented that it was important to seek to engage with as representative group of the population as possible. In response, it was emphasised to the Panel that particular care had been taken around messaging to make the Plan and the consultation as relevant and accessible as possible for all ages.


Members were informed that the consultation would run for ten weeks, primarily on-line via the Oxfordshire Open Thought website, and be supplemented by a series of locality and themed based public webinars and a social media campaign. In addition, hard copies of the Plan consultation document and supporting information would be made available via libraries.


While the Panel was supportive of this approach, they stressed the importance of full engagement with Town and Parish Councils over and above their formal consultation responses. They highlighted the opportunities that this would provide to utilise local knowledge to further raise awareness and engagement with the consultation.


RESOLVED: To recommend to the Growth Board that:


1.      the Growth Board ensures that the Oxfordshire Plan builds in zero carbon building standards to lock in long term progress towards net zero.


2.      the Growth Board asks officers to liaise with Parish and Town Councils, Neighbourhood Forums, and elected members to identify suitable community buildings in their localities where copies of the Plan can be made available and visible to the community, especially in locations such as a library, and in areas where digital access might not be universal.




3.     That a draft formal response to the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Regulation 18 Part 2 consultation on behalf of the Panel be coordinated by the Chair and presented at the 13 September meeting.

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council