Agenda item

Pathways to a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire Report

To consider a report to the Growth Board setting out the outcomes from the Oxfordshire Zero Carbon Economy Study and how it impacts on and can inform the Growth Board’s programmes.


The Panel considered a paper to the Growth Board which drew attention to the recent publication of the Pathways to a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire Report by the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford. It was presented by Ahmed Goga, Director of Strategies & Programmes, OxLEP; and Sam Hampton, Environmental Change Institute.


While the Chair supported the paper’s recommendation that each member of the Growth Board use the report to drive action within their respective organisations, he considered it of such significance that it should be debated at the full council meetings of each of Oxfordshire’s principal local authorities.  


Several members of the Panel referred to the pivotal role to be played by HM Government in setting minimum mandatory national planning and building standards. Whilst aspirational requirements could be set locally, it was generally difficult for local planning authorities to defend local policies against challenges from site developers unless they were supported by national statutory requirements.


The Panel was particularly mindful of the need and challenge faced in reducing emissions from heating. They felt that the Growth Board should lobby HM Government to advocate the discontinuation of fossil fuel burning gas boilers in favour of more sustainable alternatives. In addition, partner authorities should also seek to prohibit these boilers through their Local Plans.


With regard to ground source heating, it was felt that the Growth Board could potentially have a role in exploring opportunities for shared access schemes, possibly through town and parish councils.


In discussion, members of the Panel were cognisant of the scale and number of challenges that would need to be overcome if Oxfordshire’s aspirations and targets for a zero carbon county were to be achieved. It was felt that it was important, given the limited resources available, to prioritise the recommendations contained within the Pathways to a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire Report on the basis of both value for money and their impact on reducing carbon emissions.


Members also argued that local authorities, when delivering carbon reduction projects, should take account of the different approaches and nuances needed in supporting projects aimed at behavioural change in their communities compared to those initiated and funded directly from their own resources.  


Although some concerns were expressed in relation to both the current efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) cells and the storage of the electricity they produce, the Panel strongly supported the report’s conclusion that there was significant potential to expand PV electricity generation within Oxfordshire. Members, therefore, agreed that the Growth Board should request that each partner council should promote the use of land for PV electricity generation within their Local Plans.


Concerns were expressed that disadvantaged groups should not be disproportionately affected or left behind as Oxfordshire transitioned to net zero. It was, therefore, important that each partner council took this into account when developing their plans.


RESOLVED: To recommend to the Growth Board:


1.      That the Growth Board request that each partner council considers the Pathways to a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire Report at a meeting of their full council, to give it visibility and prompt debate and action against the recommendations within the report


2.      That the Growth Board requests that partner councils, in their consideration of the Pathways to a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire Report:


a.      Consider prioritisation of projects given the limited resources available based on the marginal cost of abatement of carbon dioxide emissions.


b.      Take account of the differences of approach required between local authorities regulating activity in their communities to encourage carbon reduction and the development of zero carbon projects initiated by local authorities using their own financial resources.


3.      That the Growth Board requests that each partner council gives consideration in future iterations of their Local Plans:


a.      to the banning of natural gas central heating boilers, in order to mitigate emissions from new developments.


b.      to the ambition of promoting land use for solar electricity generation.


4.      That the Growth Board write to HM Government advocating for the discontinuation of gas boilers in new residential and commercial developments as soon as possible, in favour of more sustainable alternative heating methods.


5.      That the Growth Board explore opportunities in the future to assess whether some communities can pilot a shared access approach to ground source heating, possibly managed through parish or town councils.


6.      That the Growth Board requests that each partner council give consideration as to how they will manage the transition to a low carbon society so as not to disproportionally impact disadvantaged communities. It is suggested that this should be tackled through specific, tangible support and incentives.

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council