Agenda item

P20/V2385/FUL - 17 Bow Bank, Longworth, Abingdon, OX13 5ER

Two storey side extension to create two dwellings.


Councillor Jerry Avery, the local ward councillor, stood down from the committee for consideration of this item.


The committee considered application P20/V2385/FUL for a two storey side extension to create two dwellings at 17 Bow Bank, Longworth, Abingdon.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer reported that Longworth was identified as a ‘Smaller Village’ under Policy CP4 of the Local Plan Part 1, which managed development in the smaller villages and stated that limited infill development might be appropriate within the existing built areas of these settlements, or if it was allocated within an adopted Neighbourhood Development Plan or future parts of the Local Plan 2031. The committee was also advised that Policy 1 of Longworth Neighbourhood Plan stated that proposals for limited infill development inside the village’s built-up areas would be supported, provided they were in-keeping with the character of the local dwellings and landscapes, and that they were proportionate in scale to existing buildings in the vicinity.


The committee was advised that in terms of the type of development that was acceptable under the neighbourhood plan, the limitations were imposed “on any single site”. Longworth Parish Council had objected to the proposal as it had considered that it would give rise to a terrace of four homes (the full wording of Policy 1 of the Longworth Neighbourhood Plan was provided at paragraph 5.2 of the report). The parish council’s conclusion in respect of this application appeared to be based on including an existing dwelling that was not on the site, the dwelling at 18 Bow Bank. Planning officers considered that the application site itself would comply with the policy, as there would be one terrace of three homes on the site; the existing semi-detached dwelling, plus two additional homes, that is, a terrace of three homes on a single site. Consequently, planning officers had concluded that the proposal complied with Policy 1 of the Longworth Neighbourhood Plan. The proposed development also accorded with the definition of ‘limited infill’ in that neighbourhood plan.


The Longworth Parish Council were not able to be present at the meeting to address the committee; Councillor Jerry Avery, the local ward councillor, read that council’s statement of objection to the committee meeting.


Mr. Michael Gilbert the agent, was unable to be present at the meeting through telecommunication difficulties, but his statement of support had been sent to the committee by the democratic services officer prior to the meeting.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P20/V2385/FUL, subject to the following conditions:




1. Commencement

2. Approved plans


Prior to commencement:


3. Surface water drainage

4. Foul water drainage

5. External materials

6. Access details




7. Hedge protection

8. Bin storage and collection point in accordance with plans

9. Parking in accordance with plans

10. Visitor parking space

11. Removal of Permitted Development Rights – windows or rooflights




Community Infrastructure Levy - General Consent

Works within the Highway

Supporting documents: