Agenda item

P20/V2219/FUL - Orchard Way, Harwell, OX11 0LH

Removal of Condition 9 (two car parking spaces to be provided within the site for sole use by the owner/occupier of 33 Orchard Way) of the Outline planning permission P17/V1998/0, variations to the approved drawings specified in the Reserved Matters conditions 2 (approved plans), 4 (hedge protection), 6 (internal and external boundaries), 7 (landscaping scheme), 8 (access, parking area/spaces and turning space), 9 (cycle parking facilities) and 10 (biodiversity enhancements)of P19/V1672/RM and the removal of conditions 6 (Archaeological WSI) and 7 (Archaeology) of the Outline planning permission that were discharged under P19/1253/DIS and P20/V1292/DIS,

the variation of conditions 4 (sustainable drainage scheme) and 5 (construction traffic management) of the Outline planning permission that were discharged under P19/V2174/DIS, and the removal of condition 3 (Biodiversity Offsetting) of the Reserved Matters was discharged under P20/V1290/DIS.


Councillor Jenny Hannaby encountered technical communication problems during the presentation of this item. The councillor was unable to participate in or hear the whole debate and did not vote on this application.


The committee considered application P20/V2219/FUL for the removal of Condition 9 (two car parking spaces to be provided within the site for sole use by the owner/occupier of 33 Orchard Way) of the Outline planning permission P17/V1998/0, variations to the approved drawings specified in the Reserved Matters conditions 2 (approved plans), 4 (hedge protection), 6 (internal and external boundaries), 7 (landscaping scheme), 8 (access, parking area/spaces and turning space), 9 (cycle parking facilities) and 10 (biodiversity enhancements)of P19/V1672/RM and the removal of conditions 6 (Archaeological WSI) and 7 (Archaeology) of the Outline planning permission that were discharged under P19/1253/DIS and P20/V1292/DIS, the variation of conditions 4 (sustainable drainage scheme) and 5 (construction traffic management) of the Outline planning permission that were discharged under P19/V2174/DIS, and the removal of condition 3 (Biodiversity Offsetting) of the Reserved Matters was discharged under P20/V1290/DIS, at Orchard Way, Harwell.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer reported that this site had a history of planning applications and this present application sought to remove the requirement to provide two parking spaces on the housing site. The reason for this was that planning permission now existed for no.33 in respect of the provision of two parking spaces within the front garden area of the house in connection with an approved two storey side extension. It was also reported that that the county highways officer had no objection to the removal of condition 9 on the basis that the on-plot parking spaces were due to be provided in connection with the extension under construction. The on-plot parking was considered to be safe within the local environment of low traffic numbers and slow speeds.


Gloria Hawthorne a local resident, spoke objecting to the application.


Paul Butt, the agent, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor Hayleigh Gascoigne, a local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P20/V2219/FUL, subject to the following conditions; Planning Permission subject to the following conditions:



1.   Time Limit - Variation of Condition

2.   Approved plans (varied)



3.   Materials in Accordance with Application.

4.   Hedge protection as per plan

5.   Boundary treatments as per plan

6.   Landscaping scheme as per plan

7.   Access, Parking, cycle parking and turning as per plan

8.   Biodiversity enhancements as agreed

9.   Archaeology Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) as agreed

10. Archaeology as agreed

11. Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) implemented as agreed

12. Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMP) as agreed

13.  Biodiversity offsetting as agreed

14. Windows Obscure glazed

15. Removal of Permitted Development (PD) Rights Class A

16. Removal of PD Rights Class E

17. Removal of PD Right Class B

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