Agenda item

SUN/7557/5 - Demolition of existing buildings and erection of one dwelling. Charlottes, Sunningwell


The Committee noted that the overall height and volume of the current proposal would be similar to that permitted.  The Officers drew attention to the report explaining that the current proposal was inappropriate in terms of policy but there were special circumstance as reported at the last meeting which justified approval.


Mr Nicholl, the Chair of Sunningwell Parish Council, made a statement objecting to the application, raising concerns relating to matters already covered in the report and highlighting that the site was in the Green Belt outside of the village envelope.  He suggested that whilst it looked like there was a dwelling there already, there was not, and the current proposal was unacceptable.  He advised that the Parish Council did not agree that there were special circumstances and that the proposal was tantamount to a two storey building which would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the area.  He reported that the volume had doubled even though the footprint remained the same as the previously submitted scheme.  He advised that there would be a significant increase in the roof height and highlighted that there was a smaller building still on site.  He suggested that the area should be maintained as a paddock and he referred to the concerns expressed by neighbours objecting to the application.


Mr Logan speaking on behalf of the applicant, made a statement in support of the application, advising that the site already had planning permission for development, so the principle of the proposal had been agreed.  He commented that an amended design had been sought to ensure that the proposal was more in keeping with the locality.  There had been significant consultation with the Officers and the proposed dwelling would remain on the existing footprint but would be more in keeping with Sunningwell.  He referred to the conditions imposed on the previous permission, all of which were accepted by the applicant for this development.  Finally, he advised that the smaller building shown on site was a garage which had been omitted from the original scheme.  Plans had been submitted to re-site the garage nearer the house.


One Member expressed concern regarding the height of the building and suggested that it would have been beneficial for section drawings to have been presented.  To this end it was considered that should the Committee be minded to approve the application, an additional condition should be added to require that the slab levels should first be inspected before proceeding with the building works and also specifying that notwithstanding the drawings, the roof was constructed at an angle of 40 degrees.  It was suggested that Building Control should be asked to look carefully at this proposal and in view of the unusual circumstances in this case, this was considered reasonable. 


Other Members spoke against the application in terms of development in the Green Belt outside the village envelope and the proposed height of the dwelling. With reference to the existing planning permission, Members sought clarification to which the Officers advised that the principal issue in this case was that there was a viable fallback position in that the existing planning permission was capable of being implemented.


One Member referred to the positioning of the garage, seeking further clarification of its exact location.  To this end it was agreed that the Opposition Spokesman should be included in the consultation for approval of the application.


By 13 votes to 2, with 2 abstentions, it was




that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair and the Opposition Spokesman of the Development Control Committee, be delegated authority to approve application SUN/7557/5 subject to:-


(1)        referral of the application to the Government Office of the South East (GOSE) and confirmation that the Deputy Prime Minister does not wish the application to be the subject of a call-in;


(2)        conditions to include materials, slab levels, removal of all existing buildings, removal of development rights, contaminated land, definition of the residential curtilage, access and parking; and


(3)        further conditions to provide for slab levels and Building Control inspecting the site prior to building works commencing and notwithstanding the drawings, the angle of the roof pitch should be no greater than 40 degrees.

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