Agenda item

LBA/19367 - Erection of a three bedroom dwelling with associated parking. Porlock, Gramps Hill, Letcombe Bassett


The Committee was advised that additional correspondence had been received reiterating concerns to matters already covered in the report and providing a copy of a statement to be read out later in the meeting by one of the speakers.


It was noted that revised plans had been received clarifying the ownership of the land and amending one boundary line.  It was noted that ownership was a private matter.  Concerns had been raised regarding drainage and it was noted that this was a Building Regulations issue.  The Committee was advised that should it be minded to approve the application an additional condition should be added to any permission relating to the amended plans.


Mr Carter made a statement objecting to the application raising concerns regarding the loss of amenity due to height; loss of sunlight; loss of privacy; overlooking; spoiling of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; overshadowing of the Village Hall; adverse visual impact of the large modern car park; loss of visual amenity generally, the setting of a precedent;  and the southern boundary being shown on the map being drawn over the neighbouring land to give an impression of inadequate access.  He suggested that the use of his land would be required for the scheme to be implemented and that consent would not be given.  Finally he suggested that the proposal was inconsistent with planning policies.


Sarah Wills speaking on behalf of the applicant made a statement in support of the application reporting that the proposal was for a modest dwelling.  She explained that the side garden area had been an allotment and that every effort had been made to ensure the plans were accurate.  She reported that she was confident that the revised plans were accurate and that a house could be accommodated on the site which had development on three sides.  She commented that the broad principle of development accorded with Local Plan policies and that the design was sensitive to the area.  She clarified that the proposal was for a modest three bedroom property and had been designed having regard to the surrounding area and development, especially to the north and that materials would match those on the existing village hall. She explained that this was a discreet location and not prominent from the street scene.  Therefore the house would integrate well.  Finally she claimed that the parking arrangement was not unusual; there were rights of access which currently existed; there would be no overlooking; there would be screening and the design was a high quality.


One Member whilst not objecting to the application, queried whether any protection could be given to the Village Hall to ensure that it could continue to host events without the fear of neighbour nuisance complaints in terms of noise. One Member referred to just such a case in Kennington where complaints had been received regarding noise and considerable expense had been incurred in providing appropriate noise attenuation measures.


The Officers explained that there were already a number of dwellings in close proximity to the Village Hall and that a judgment needed to be made as to whether this additional dwelling would make any material difference.


It was suggested that permitted development rights should be removed to prevent the insertion of windows in the end wall of the new house facing the Village Hall.  To this end it was considered that condition No. 9 set out in the report could be amended to refer to the south west elevation.


By 16 votes to nil with 1 of the voting Members not being present during consideration of this item, it was




that application LBA/19367 be approved subject to the following: -


(1)        the conditions set out in the report with condition No.9 being amended to prevent the insertion of windows in the south west elevation as well as the north west elevation;


(2)        an additional condition to provide for amended plans; and


(3)        a further condition to provide for the parking area as shown on the submitted plans.

Supporting documents: