Agenda item

KBA/19343 - Construction of 6 affordable houses with new access. Land opposite Appleby House, Oxford Road, Kingston Bagpuize


All Members of the Development Control Committee had declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 they remained in the meeting during its consideration.


The Committee noted that concerns had been raised regarding the location of the substation and the loss of a sycamore tree.  Objections received from neighbours had been addressed as set out in the report.  Members were advised that consideration needed to be given in terms of the rural exceptions policy and that should they be minded to approve the application, they were asked to delegated authority to do so to the Chief Executive to enable a Section 106 obligation to be entered into to control the occupancy of the affordable housing. 


One Member spoke against the application expressing the concerns reported to him of local residents namely that the site was too far out of the village to relate to it; residents possibly with young children would need to cross the A415 which was a busy road and on street parking which was already a problem in this area as a result of the nearby development.  He asked that should the Committee be minded to approve the application a contribution be sought towards the provision of a pedestrian crossing on the A415.  He commented that Oxford Road was very busy and not the quiet cul-de-sac it once was.  Many vehicles associated with the neighbouring development parked on the road and there were safety issues which needed to be considered.


Another Member concurred that the development was not appropriate in this location which was outside the village envelope.


One Member spoke in support of the application advising that the parking standards had been complied with although he agreed that a financial contribution towards a pedestrian crossing should be investigated.  Furthermore, he suggested that additional conditions should be attached to any permission namely to (a) provide that materials, including materials for the walls should first be approved by the Planning Authority with such materials being agreed by the Committee; (b) that a panel of materials should be erected on site; (c) the stone wall on the main road should be of a quality to match Appleby House opposite; and (d) the boundary wall should extend around the site frontage to plot no 1.  Furthermore a Section 106 Agreement should be sought to control the occupancy.


One Member referred to consideration of the neighbouring development commenting that at that time the County Council had not been supportive of a crossing. 


By 11 votes to 1 with 4 abstentions and 1 of the voting Members not being present during consideration of this item, it was




that the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee be delegated  authority to approve application KBA/19343 subject to the following :-


(1)        satisfactory progress on the issues of the location of the electricity sub-station and the nature of the boundary treatment on Oxford Road;


(2)        a Section 106 Agreement being entered into to control the occupancy of the affordable housing.


(3)        conditions including; materials, (including materials for walls, being first approved by the local Planning); architectural detailing; landscaping; boundary treatment including the boundary wall extending around the site frontage to plot no 1; access and parking; and the design and location of the electricity sub-station;


(4)        that materials should be presented to the Committee for approval it being noted that the stone wall on the main road should be of a quality to match Appleby House opposite and that the applicant should be requested to erect a sample panel of materials on site; and


(5)        investigation of the possibility of a pedestrian crossing on the A415.

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