Agenda item

Work programme update and the impact of the Covid-19 response on progress.

Committee to receive a report that provides an update on the status of the Climate Emergency Work Programme since the most recent Climate Emergency Advisory Committee meeting on 28 January 2020 in the context of COVID-19.


The Policy and Insight Manager was present to answer questions regarding the work programme and the impact Covid-19 has had on progress and steer.


It was explained that there has been a shift in staffing towards resourcing the Vale of White Horse Council Community Support Hub in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, to support residents. Also, staff have been working from home and have to balance work and family commitments.


Officers recommended another Climate Emergency Advisory Committee (CEAC) meeting in early July in order to review a report on the Oxfordshire and regional recovery programme, in tandem with reviewing the draft corporate plan before it goes out to public consultation. The review of the draft corporate plan by the CEAC would be focused on priorities regarding environment and health.

Officers were thanked for their contribution to Covid-19 support efforts.


The committee worked through the update. The following points were raised:


·         The committee’s budget was discussed in light of Covid-19 – councillors queried if this budget might be reallocated. It was confirmed that any uncommitted spend may be challenged. We can carry over budget to the following financial year.

·         The committee expressed their support of active transport measures and the recent increase in cycling and walking due to Covid-19 social distancing measures and traffic restrictions. The committee agreed that encouraging home working to continue and encouraging relevant authorities to implement such measures would be helpful to reduce carbon emissions.

·         The committee asked for the report to include some highlighting (editing) of the changes. An officer confirmed that the items labelled “paused” were the ones where progress had been impacted by Covid-19.

·         There was interest in the Faringdon Leisure centre renewable energy (item 4). An officer responded that the leisure team are looking at the cost and the carbon benefit. Upfront costs are a consideration, but the potential is being explored.

·         Oxfordshire tree mapping (item 5) – an officer confirmed that a specialist planning officer can come to a future CEAC committee meeting to present to the group.

·         It was confirmed that the economic development team were focussed on Covid-19 efforts, and that Oxfordshire Green Tech (item 7) was to be progressed at a later stage.

·         Item 6 on solar energy opportunities – an officer updated that this is delivered by an external company and is in progress. Senior Management Team (SMT) approval is needed to sign off the specification and quote received.

·         Crowmarsh office project – contingency was built into the programme of work. SMT and Cabinet will review the impact of Covid-19.

·         The planning design guide (item 13) – delivery of the project is expected by Sept 2021. A task and finish group was agreed, to be held with the specialist planning team. The committee should advise on climate-related principles. The guide should be set up to make green alterations to current stock, not just projects of 10+ homes. Officers to put this point forward to the planning team. Current planning policies to be circulated to the committee before the task and finish.

·         The Project Lead for climate emergency – Michelle Wells is working on the job evaluation and the salary banding – which needs to go to SMT before being advertised.

·         Electric pool vehicles for staff travel (item 18) – there is still time until the delivery date – may need to wait and see whether this project changes in light of Covid-19 and widespread working from home.

·         The lighting at the Beacon in Wantage (item 20)– proposed that this could be done whilst the building is closed. The corporate energy officer confirmed this is being discussed within the parameters of safety advice and social distancing.

·         The committee were supportive of cycling and walking encouragement measures

·         Solar panels in carparks – this was suggested by members, examples include Northern France.

·         Officers reminded the committee that the work programme has been ratified by Cabinet and cannot be changed after a thorough and well-rounded selection process by the CEAC and is fixed for 2020/21.


In summary, it was proposed that:


The task and finish group will review the Aether report in July, will have a specialist planning officer present to them regarding the tree mapping project at a future committee meeting, and the specialist planning team will consult the CEAC regarding the design guide; initiation of this through a task and finish group meeting.

It was noted to also invite substitute committee members to the task and finish group regarding the Aether report.


Other mentioned items:

  • Will there be an update on car parking charges
  • Discussing virtual meetings will be a future agenda item
  • Proactive promotion of meetings needed – twitter etc



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