Agenda item

P19/V1804/FUL - 22 Norreys Road, Cumnor OX2 9PG

Demolition of the existing bungalow and erection of a pair of semi-detached houses. (Amended plans for revised scheme, including details of proposed garage, received 14 October 2019). (Amended plans for revised layout: revised block and site plan received 28 October 2019. (As amended by plans received 25 November 2019).


The committee considered application P19/V1804/FUL for the demolition of the existing bungalow and erection of a pair of semi-detached houses (amended plans for revised scheme, including details of proposed garage, received 14 October 2019), (amended plans for revised layout: revised block and site plan received 28 October 2019, (as amended by plans received 25 November 2019), at 22 Norreys Road, Cumnor, Oxford, OX2 9PG


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer reported that the application had been brought to planning committee at the request of one of the local ward councillors, Judy Roberts.


The chairman reported that members of the committee had recently attended a site visit at the application site.


The planning officer provided an on the status of the neighbourhood plan, which was an update to the information contained in the committee report. 

The consultation on the draft neighbourhood plan commenced on 3 January 2020 and would conclude on 14 February 2020.  This process had occurred close to the deadline for the publication of committee papers, thus the need now to update the committee with the latest information. The situation had moved from the plan drafting stage to the pre-submission consultation stage; the draft neighbourhood plan could now be afforded limited weight, as opposed to very limited weight. The planning officer referred to the chart previously shown to the committee. The slide on screen indicated the stage of the emerging neighbourhood plan in the context of moving towards adoption.  The committee noted that the more advanced the emerging plan, the greater the weight that could be afforded to it. The committee was also made aware that it was not until the Council had decided to progress the referendum that significant weight might be attached. Only post-referendum could full weight be given.


Information on the status of the draft neighbourhood plan had been circulated to members of the committee, together with the relevant draft policies of the Cumnor draft neighbourhood plan.  The committee was advised that neighbourhood plan policies were expected to be in general conformity with the adopted local plan and the NPPF, so there would not be significant divergence in the requirements of the relevant draft neighbourhood policies.


The planning officer noted concerns from local residents, which included character and design, as well as impact on local character. Neighbour impact was also a valid point of objection. The planning officer reported that officers considered that the traditional design of the dwellings would be in keeping with the character of the area and would not affect its spacious character.


The planning officer was satisfied that the development would not be overbearing, and whilst it would inevitably give rise to some loss of light to the adjoining properties, the rear of the dwelling would be set 3.3m from the boundary, so as to reduce its impact, particularly to the conservatory of the adjoining home. The adjoining property also had solar panels which were not affected by the proposed development.


Tom Christophers, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application. The committee noted that he represented Cumnor Parish Council, that he lived opposite the application site and had made an objection as a resident.


Sam Cook, the agent, spoke in support of the application.


Alison Jenner, local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application.


Judy Roberts, a local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application.


The committee was concerned that as a portion of the back garden abutted Green Belt, trees and landscaping should be preserved and enhanced. The planning officer reported that Condition 6 necessitated, prior to commencement of the development, landscaping being submitted and approved. Prior to occupation, Condition 8 required that the landscaping would be implemented. These proposals included the maintenance of the existing landscaping, with additional planting.


The committee was concerned that, potentially, the garage could be used as a dwelling. The planning officer reported that as part of an amended condition, the height of the garage could be restricted and permitted development rights could be removed on the grounds of impact on neighbourhood amenity.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.



RESOLVED: that planning permission is granted for application P19/V1804/FUL subject to the following conditions;



1. Commencement

2. Approved plans


Prior to Commencement:

3. Surface water drainage

4. Foul water drainage

5. Materials to be submitted and approved

6. Landscaping to be submitted and approved


Prior to Occupation:

7. Access, parking and turning provision

8. Landscaping implementation


9. CIL

10.Works within public highway

11. Bats 


Additional condition:


Removal of permitted development rights on the garage and add height                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       condition.

Supporting documents: