Agenda item

Climate Emergency -Year One Work Programme

To consider the Task and Finish Group’s report on their work programme. Insight and Policy Manager to report.


The committee was informed by Councillor Eric De La Harpe on the actions the task and finish group had undertaken as part of the work programme.


The committee were informed that the task and finish group had split the initiatives into four categories based on the following criteria:


a.) Items easy to deliver and had a high impact

b.) Items easy to deliver and had a low impact

c.) Items hard to deliver and had a high impact

d.) Items hard to deliver and had a low impact


The group agreed that priority would be given to items that were easy to deliver and had high impacts. These were based on a variety of factors including carbon savings, implementation measures, costs, and resources required. The committee was provided with a table in the report which listed the list of actions/items which were prioritised by the task and finish group and therefore put forward to be included in the proposed one-year work programme


Councillors were keen to ensure members of the public were aware that the new council offices in Crowmarsh Gifford would be solely owned by South Oxfordshire District Council, with the Vale of White Horse paying rental fees to use the site. Councillors were however invited to be part of the planning process by South Oxfordshire District Council and would therefore be forwarding proposals to ensure the new building would be as environmentally friendly as possible.


The committee discussed the costs associated with each project in the proposed one-year work programme, they noted that for some of the projects, the costs given were initial feasibility study fees and that there could be additional resource implications further down the line. The Insight and Policy Manager also reiterated upon request the difference between the internal and external fees described within the report.


An area of concern raised was the wording of the action regarding ‘promotion of’ low carbon (plant based) diets in Council operations. The committee considered that it was not appropriate to suggest to individuals the type of foods they should be eating and agreed that the word ‘promotion’ should be edited to reflect a more nuanced stance. The Insight and Policy Manager confirmed that the wording could be edited to reflect this view and then presented to Cabinet for approval.


A question was raised asking for clarification on the composition of the cost figure included for the climate change lead position. The Insight and Policy and Insight Manager confirmed this was the proposed salary based on research of similar roles and the presented cost included a standard additional 25% to cover on-costs including pension and national insurance contributions.


A motion, proposed and seconded, was passed, to approve all priority one options in the year one work programme, subject to wording amendment for the action “Promotion of low carbon (plant based) diets within council operations, facilities and buildings and associated action plan”.


a.)  RESOLVED: to recommend to Cabinet the year-one climate emergency work programme (subject to amendment of wording for the low carbon diet action), for their implementation and adoption, including the proposed additional measures in the budget for 2020/21


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