Agenda item

P19/V0910/FUL - Hanney Nurseries, Steventon Road, East Hanney, OX12 0HS

Residential development of 46 market and affordable dwellings with associated landscaping and infrastructure with associated landscaping and infrastructure.


The committee considered application P19/V0910/FUL for the residential development of 46 market and affordable dwellings with associated landscaping and infrastructure at Hanney Nurseries, Steventon Road, East Hanney, OX12 0HS.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


Officer Updates:


          Officers reported that the table on page 22 and 23, indicating the applicant’s proposed affordable housing mix, incorrectly showed one 3 - bedroom 5 persons house for shared ownership. The correct figure was one 3 - bedroom 6 persons house for shared ownership.  It was confirmed that the Council’s Housing Officer was satisfied with this.


          A revised Biodiversity Impact Calculator had been received, which the Council’s Countryside Officer had reviewed and accepted.


          In respect of proposed condition 4 and the first Informative on page 10, the number of offsetting Biodiversity Units was to be reduced from 11 to 6.  The total value of the units had been correspondingly reduced from £105,600 to £57,600.


Councillor David Kirk, representing East Hanney Parish Council, spoke in support of the application.


Tammy Deshprabhu, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application.


Andrew Barron, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


In response to questions raised by the committee, the officers reported that:


           The development’s access was to be moved to the west, with the hedgerow to the east and trees to the west to be retained.


           The proposed roads were wide enough to permit emergency vehicles and proposed parking exceeded the amount required by the parking standards. The planning authority did not possess the powers to control on - street parking.


           With reference to a plan, officers identified to the committee, the various locations of the 20 unallocated parking spaces.


           The Oxfordshire County Council, as highway authority, had no objection to the proposals.


           The agreed number of affordable dwellings would be secured by a Section 106 Agreement with the applicant.

           After consultation with the council’s drainage officer and the Lead Local Flood Authority, officers were satisfied that the development would not be exposed to unreasonable flood risk or increase flood risk elsewhere.


           In respect of Condition 10 (Landscaping Scheme to be approved), this could be amended to include a hedgerow between the entrance road and the western boundary, and the provision of dog waste and litter bins.


           If members considered it necessary, a condition could be imposed requiring the provision of swift bricks on the dwellings; the locations and number (a minimum of six as suggested by the Committee Chair) to be agreed.


           The provision of cycle parking at the site entrance, which was the proposed location of a bus stop, was not necessary or justified in mitigating the impact of the proposal.


           Oxfordshire County Council was securing funds from this proposal and other housing developments in the locality to provide a bus service along Steventon Road, but this service was not currently in place.


A motion moved and seconded, to approve the application, and subject to the following additions, was declared carried on being put to the vote:


           Condition 10 to be revised to include the provision of a hedgerow between the entrance road to the site and the western boundary, and dog waste and litter bins to be agreed.


           A condition be added requiring the provision of a minimum of six swift bricks with the locations to be agreed.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P19/V0910/FUL, delegated to the head of planning, subject to:


1.         A Section 106 agreement being entered into to secure contributions towards local infrastructure, management of public open spaces and to secure affordable housing; and


2.         Conditions as follows:


1.         Development to commence within three years.

2.         Approved plans.


Pre-Commencement Conditions


3.         Tree protection as submitted to be implemented.

4.         Biodiversity off setting.

5.         Surface water drainage scheme to be agreed.

6.         Strategy and programme for ground water monitoring.

7.         Wheel washing facilities during construction.


Pre-Occupancy or Other Stage Conditions


8.         Proposals to maintain, clear and desilt watercourses within or along boundaries of the site to be agreed.

9.         Connecting paths to adjacent sites to be provided within the application site.

10.       Landscaping scheme to be approved.

11.       Plan of properties including Swift bricks to be submitted and approved.

12.       Play equipment to be agreed.

13.       Boundary treatments in accordance with approved plans.

14.       Site access details to be approved.

15.       Vision splays - 2.4m x 43m – to be provided.

16.       Road and footway construction to each dwelling to be provided before each occupation.

17.       Parking and turning spaces for each dwelling to be provided prior to occupation of each plot.


Post Occupancy Monitoring and Management Conditions


18.       Landscaping implementation.

19.       Construction hours – 8.00 to 18.00 Monday to Friday 8.00 to 13.00 Saturday. No works on Sunday or bank holidays.

20.       Permitted development rights removal – extensions, dormer windows, outbuildings.

21.       Retention of garages.

22.       No street lighting.




1.         Several Biodiversity Offsetting providers can deliver Offsetting agreements in Oxfordshire, including the Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment (TOE) - and the Environment Bank Ltd. The number of Biodiversity Units required to offset this permission is 6, with a value of £57,600.

2.         Broadband provision.

3.         Land drainage consent needed for any works to watercourses or ditches.

Supporting documents: