Agenda item

Former Grove Airfield, to the west of Newlands Drive and north of Denchworth Road, Grove

Variation of condition 7 of Planning Permission P12/V0299/O to provide the development brief prior to the occupation of the 250th dwelling rather than before the submission of reserved matters adjoining the Local Centre (as amended by documentation submitted on 27 February 2018). 


Councillors Jenny Hannaby and Ben Mabbett stepped down from the committee as they were local ward councillors for this application. 


The committee considered application P17/V3130/FUL to vary condition 7 of planning permission P12/V0299/O to provide the development brief for the Local Centre prior to the occupation of the 250th dwelling rather than before reserved matters adjoining the Local Centre, on the site of the former Grove Airfield, west of Grove.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Chris Minors, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the application. 


Councillors Jenny Hannaby and Ben Mabbett, two of the local ward councillors, spoke in support of the application. 


In response to questions raised by the committee, the officers reported that:

·         the applicant was seeking additional time to prepare and consult on the development brief for the local centre

·         this application would not delay the provision of the local centre

·         the application would allow development to proceed as soon as possible   


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P17/V3130/FUL, is granted and condition 7 of outline consent P12/V0299/O is varied to require the submission of the local centre development brief prior to the 250th dwelling being occupied on the site, subject to the following conditions:


1.         All conditions on the outline consent P12/V0299/O remaining the same apart from the amended wording for condition 7 which would read:


Prior to the occupation of the 250th dwelling on the site, a Development Brief for the Local Centre shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Development Brief shall include principles of:

(a)      Phasing, general layout and arrangement of all the land uses within the local centre and immediately adjoining areas including the site access 2 from Newlands Drive;

(b)      Location and site areas for the Community Hub and Extra Care Housing Site and Health and Wellbeing Resource Centre;

(c)       Urban Form and Design Principles for the public realm, built development and civic open spaces;

(d)      Access, including road hierarchy type and standard, servicing and manoeuvring space, footpath and cycleway networks within and adjoining the Local Centre;

(e)      Strategy and design principles for car parking including the provision for shared parking for facilities;

(f)        A strategy to accommodate public transport, indicating, where appropriate, bus stops, bus laybys, bus shelters and bus turning facilities;

(g)      Proposed landscape framework, including existing landscape features to be retained and new structural planting;

(h)      Details of any ground-recontouring or remodelling required within or adjoining the local centre;

(i)        Strategy for foul and surface water drainage in accordance with the site-wide strategy;

(j)        Details, quantum and location of civic open space, including pedestrianised and sitting out areas;

(k)       Programme for the provision of the community hub, other local centre facilities and proposals for local stakeholder consultation;

(l)        Details of the proposed marketing, timing and delivery of the local centre;

(m)     Proposals for the management and maintenance of the public realm and parking. 


The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure that infrastructure is delivered to meet the needs of the development and to protect the amenity of the area in accordance with policies CP38 and CP7 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1 and saved policy H5 of the adopted Local Plan 2011. 

Supporting documents: