Agenda item

P16/V0775/O - Land south of Highworth Road, Faringdon

Outline application for residential development of up to 190 houses. 


The committee considered application P16/V0775/O for residential development of up to 190 homes on land south of Highworth Road, Faringdon. 


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.  The officer’s addendum report tabled at the meeting provided updates on the financial contributions from the developer, the views of one of the local ward members, confirmation that a play area would be provided on site, and appended a plan showing the extent of new housing on the edge of Faringdon, encroaching into Great Coxwell parish. 


Dr Mike Wise, a representative of Faringdon Town Council, spoke objecting to the application. 


Jacqui Russell, a representative of Great Coxwell Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. 


Tom Mouat spoke objecting to the application. 


Ken Dijksman, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor Roger Cox, one of the local ward members, spoke in support of the application. 


The committee noted that:

·         the site had been allocated in Local Plan Part 1 to 2031 as a strategic housing site and that this had been approved by the planning inspector.  The proposal complied with the Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan 

·         this was an outline application, therefore the committee must concentrate on the principle of the development and its access; other matters would be considered at the reserved matters stage

·         the plan displayed was for illustrative purposes only but showed that up to 190 homes could be accommodated on the site; housing layout would be determined at the reserved matters stage

·         officers would seek to avoid housing on the highest part of the site

·         the section 106 agreement set aside funds to improve health infrastructure in the town

·         Highworth Road had a 30 miles per hour speed limit at the proposed access point to this development

·         a play area would be provided within the site

·         both Faringdon Town Council and Great Coxwell Parish Council would be consulted on any reserved matters application

·         any reserved matters application must comply with the neighbourhood plan


A motion, moved and seconded, to delegate authority to approve the application was declared carried on being put to the vote. 


RESOLVED: to authorise the head of planning to grant outline consent for application P16/V0775/O subject to:


(i)         A section 106 legal agreement being entered into to ensure financial contributions towards local infrastructure and to secure affordable housing (and authority to vary the items in the agreement as appropriate to reflect Community Infrastructure Levy implementation should this occur between the committee resolution and the signing of the S106 legal agreement); and


(ii)       Conditions (or provision in S106 as appropriate) as follows:



1.         Commencement two years after the Reserved Matters application is approved; Reserved Matters application within 3 years

2.         Reserved matters to be submitted

3.         Approved plans list



4.         Site access and connecting footway to be agreed

5.         Emergency access to be agreed

6.         Off-site highway works to be agreed

7.         Construction traffic management plan to be agreed

8.         Details of footpath/cycle links to be agreed

9.         Sustainable urban drainage scheme to be agreed

10.      Foul Water drainage details to be agreed

11.      Water supply impact study to be agreed

12.      Tree protection and method statement to be agreed

13.      Contamination risk assessment to be agreed

14.      Written scheme of archaeological investigation to be agreed

15.      Programme of archaeological work to be agreed


With reserved matters

16.      Biodiversity Enhancement Plan to be agreed

17.      Housing mix to be agreed

18.      Noise survey undertaken and any required mitigation to be agreed

19.      Electric charging points designed into properties with garages

20.      Slab levels to be submitted



21.      Visibility splays to be agreed

22.      Residential travel plan to be agreed

23.      Travel information pack to be agreed



24.      New estate roads to Highway Authority specification

25.      No drainage to highway

26.      No occupation until drainage scheme implementation

27.      Hours of construction work 

Supporting documents: