Agenda item

P17/V0050/O - Land north of Dunmore Road and Twelve Acre Drive, Abingdon

Outline application (with all matters reserved except for principal means of access to the highway) for a residential development of up to 900 dwellings and 50 retirement homes (use class C3), together with a local centre, (including: 2.2HA site for a 1.5 form entry primary school, community hub, care homes comprising up to 80 beds, children's nursery, public house/restaurant, retail and other services) public open space, recreation areas and sports pitches (including sports pavilion and multi-use games area) play areas, acoustic bund with fencing, and associated infrastructure including roads, sewers and attenuation ponds.


Councillors Sandy Lovatt, Robert Hall and Bob Johnston, neighbouring and local ward members, stepped down from the committee and took no part in the debate or voting for this item.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


The officer presented the report and addendum on outline application P17/V0050/O for a residential development on land north of Dunmore Road and Twelve Acre Drive, Abingdon for:

·         Up to 900 dwellings;

·         50 retirement homes (Class C3 use);

·         A local centre (including 2.2ha site for a 1.5 form entry primary school, community hub, care homes comprising up to 80 beds, children’s nursery, public house/restaurant, retail and other services);

·         Public open space;

·         Recreation areas and sports pitches (including sports pavilion and multi-use games area);

·         Play areas;

·         Acoustic bund with fencing; and

·         Associated infrastructure including roads, sewers and attenuation ponds.


The addendum report contained the following updates:

·         The Secretary of State has approved Oxfordshire County Council’s bid for £9 million for the Lodge Hill slip roads.

·         A petition organised by the Oxford West and Abingdon Liberal Democrats has been received, with 1,046 signatures requesting the promise of a full interchange at Lodge Hill before housing development goes ahead; officers remain of the opinion that the occupancy restriction as in condition 41 is sufficient.

·         An additional written statement from Councillor Edward Blagrove was circulated to committee, which largely offer support to the representation from Radley Parish Council.

·         An additional neighbour representation has been received concerning the Lodge Hill slop road timings.

·         Abingdon Town Council, Radley Parish Council and Sunningwell Parish Council have requested confirmation of CIL contributions, which are listed within the addendum report.


Aron Wisdom, Senior Transport Planner for Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) gave a presentation concerning traffic impacts of the development. This included:

·         This proposal has substantial sustainable credentials by virtue of the existing transport links;

·         Transport impacts are appreciated, but there are sufficient mitigations including the Lodge Hill slip roads and Oxford Road roundabout;

·         OCC have already committed to the Lodge Hill improvements at risk but are confident the project is deliverable within approximately three years as exemplified by the similar Chilton Interchange works;

·         Now that DCLG have committed to funding £9 million towards phased funding of the works, OCC will forward fund the signed S106 to ensure there is no delay in funding;

·         The Lodge hill slips will change the dynamic of traffic from the centre of Abingdon, which will bring crucial benefits for the Air Quality Management Area strategy;

·         The Dunmore Road pedestrian crossings would create gaps in traffic to enable people to get out of priority T-junctions; and

·         The proposed network of pedestrian and cycle routes, similar to Dutch hybrid lanes, along the spine road and throughout the site should reduce the need to travel by car and improve access to the school and local centre.


Colin Weyer, a representative of Sunningwell Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         Impact of lighting and light pollution as the parish already suffer from the effects of floodlighting from Tilsley Park and therefore request a condition for an appropriate lighting scheme for the sports park to include a 10:00pm restriction;

·         Wootton Road already suffers tailbacks and local villages are used as rat runs – The Lodge Hill slip road should help with this, but there should be no occupation until they have been completed;

·         Dissatisfied with the housing mix and lesser number of 1/2 bedroom houses when compared to the SHMA recommendations;

·         The applicants had promised £7.5m of CIL money to the parishes during the consultation phase but due to confusion with when CIL will be adopted, how will this money be ensured?


Margaret Crick, a representative of Abingdon Town Council, stated that the Town Council had no objections in principle to this development, but would like concerns addressed, which included the following:

·         The Lodge Hill slip roads should be completed before any development takes place as recommended by the Environmental Health Team’s Air Quality Officer;

·         The speed limit should be 30mph on the whole of Twelve Acre Drive and Dunmore Road and also a speed reduction at the Oxford Road roundabout;

·         An ongoing flood risk assessment should help mitigate the latest studies which predict that a major flooding event will be every one in three years; and

·         More sustainable building techniques.


Priscilla Dudding, a representative of Radley Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. Her comments included the following:

·         A request that the cycle route to Radley Station goes North from Twelve Acre Drive and would like this listed in the S106 commitments;

·         If the reduction in smaller homes in relation to SHMA recommendations are due to financial viability, then the parish council would like to see an independent viability assessment carried out; and

·         Would like contributions of £68k towards improvements for Radley Lakes through a network of paths, better parking, safer access and management of the site.


David Illingworth, a representative of the North Abingdon Local Plan Group, spoke objecting to the application. His comments included the following:

·         A request for more mini-roundabouts on Dunmore Road; and

·         The Lodge Hill slip roads should be in place before any homes are sold as condition 41 might not be enforceable, effective or sufficient.


Geoff Broughton, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         Air quality concerns as highlighted by the Environmental Health Team’s Air Quality Officer’s holding objections; and

·         Reiterated that the slip roads should be in use before any development takes place.


Bob Warne, a representative of Sunningwell Parisioners Against Damage to the Environment (SPADE), spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         Traffic accumulation through Kennington, pedestrian safety, pollution and light pollution, which should all be mitigated through CIL contributions yet question whether these will be fair and proportionate; and

·         Request that the application is deferred until CIL is in place;


Layla Moran MP, spoke objecting to the application. Her concerns included the following:

·         There has been a 25 year community led plan to get the Lodge Hill slip roads;

·         Residents are clear that the slip roads should be operating before any development takes place as exemplified by the petition of 1,046 signatories;

·         Condition 41 would allow 400 homes to be built before the slip roads are completed, which is a concern to residents; and

·         Residents were not consulted on the increase from 800 homes, as recommended in the Local Plan, to 950 homes.


Ticia Lever, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application. Her concerns included the following:

·         The increase of 19% homes in the outline application; and

·         OCC estimate 250 homes would need to be occupied across the four strategic sites before there is severe traffic harm, however condition 41 states 400 could be occupied before the slip roads are completed.


Brian Eastoe, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application, reiterating the concerns already expressed.


Dr Les Clyne, a local resident had submitted a statement to be read out, which included the following:

·         A request that the development will deliver the provision of around 35% affordable housing on the site, of which a minimum of 30% shall be affordable rented.


Ian Gillespie and Iain MacSween, the applicant’s agent and applicant, spoke in support of the application. Their comments included the following:

·         This application is a culmination of several years’ work including full consultation with Vale of White Horse and OCC officers, statutory consultees and residents;

·         The latest iterations of this development are a direct result of public consultation and feedback;

·         35% of homes will be affordable;

·         There will be a 1.5 form entry primary school where future expansion will not be constrained, a care home, increased GP capacity, retail and food outlets, children’s nursey and community hub;

·         40% of the site will be open space to accord with best practice;

·         There will be an extension to the number 35 bus route with improved bus stops along Dunmore Road and Twelve Acre Drive;

·         The applicants are committed to deliver the Lodge Hill slip roads;

·         They are also committed to the alternative cycle route as suggested by Radley parish council;

·         There are significant mitigation measures as a result of traffic modelling, to include the slip roads and new access points on Dunmore Road and Twelve Acre Drive;

·         The retained Grampian condition to limit the scale of construction until the slip roads are in place are a belt and braces approach despite the funding from central government having been announced;

·         The A34 noise barrier will mitigate concerns for future residents and as a result of amended plans being submitted, the Environmental Health Air Quality Officer has withdrawn their objection;

·         The whole area is in Flood Zone 1 and will not result in any flooding elsewhere;

·         The current land has been intensively farmed and is therefore of limited ecological benefit, whereas the proposed development is designed to enhance biodiversity;

·         The site is allocated in the Local Plan Part 1 and is fully supported by robust technical assessments;

·         CEG will continue with open engagement with the local parish and town councils, district council and other local parties and have already established a group; and

·         If granted, they aim for the first home to be completed in early 2019 in line with the Local Plan trajectory.


Councillor Debby Hallett, one of the local ward councillors, read out a statement from Councillor Emily Smith, containing the following:

·         Building should not start until the Lodge Hill southern slips are secured. The impact on congestion in north Abingdon and the town centre along with the increased air pollution and expansion of the AQMA area would be unacceptable;

·         Will people living in houses closest to the A34 be safe, concerning air quality and noise pollution?

·         Pedestrian safety along Dunmore Road and Lodge Hill;

·         Mini roundabouts should be installed to allow people living either side of Dunmore Road to exit quickly and safely;

·         A request that the primary school is two form entry; and

·         Any proposed roundabout should put cyclist and pedestrian safety first.


Councillor Debby Hallett then spoke to the application, her comments included the following:

·         What is the justification of 120% of the Local Plan allocation?

·         The A34 is over capacity and the largest obstacle to employment growth.


Councillor Bob Johnston, one of the local ward councillors, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         The slip roads should be in use before homes are occupied;

·         There is a shortage of smaller homes in the housing mix; and

·         Request that Radley Lakes are given financial support to maintain this unique habitat.


Councillor Sandy Lovatt, one of the neighbouring ward councillors, spoke in support of the application. His comments included the following:

·         This is a strategic housing allocation site and therefore the principle is appropriate;

·         The Lodge Hill slip roads would enable traffic being directed away from Abingdon town centre and are therefore essential;

·         The Oxford Road and Wootton Road roundabouts will alleviate traffic; and

·         To insist nothing is built before the slip roads are in place will make it impossible to raise S106 monies – condition 41 gives adequate protection.


Councillor Edward Blagrove, one of the local ward councillors, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         Welcomed the announcement concerning the Radley station cycle route and gave support to the Radley Lakes funding proposal; and

·         Reiteration of the housing mix concerns.


In response to questions, officers confirmed the following:

·         OCC have started negotiations with landowners for the Lodge Hill slip roads which are so far going well. However there is a compulsory purchase order fall-back position if the negotiations fail.

·         Applicants could appeal for non-determination if the application is deferred, which could mean the council losing control of the S106 monies;

·         CIL and S106 are just two different ways of delivering money to contribute to the local area and officers are required to progress the application under the current regime, which sees all financial contributions secured through the Section 106 agreement;

·         Highways England control the A34, not OCC;

·         The phased funding details from DCLG have not been submitted yet, but it won’t all be needed at once for the different stages of work and OCC have committed to forward funding to ensure there are no delays;

·         The SHMA guidelines are not strict and the SHMA indicates that it is ultimately for the market to decide the housing mix and any deviation from the SHMA recommendations should be assessed on a case by case basis;

·         Modelling shows that there is capacity for the extra housing (from 800 to 950), which may change subject to master planning, but at present it meets policy requirements to the satisfaction of officers;

·         The 400 dwellings limit is in line with the education authority trigger to ensure school places, the limit for traffic considerations is therefore linked; and

·         The primary school site will be large enough for a two form entry school, allowing capacity for further population growth.


Members voted to continue the meeting beyond 9:00pm.


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate.


A motion, moved and seconded, to authorise the head of planning to grant planning permission with the following:

·         The cycle link to Radley station will be added to the S106 agreement, requiring it to be secured through a Section 278 agreement with OCC;

·         A condition requiring monitoring of air quality on Twelve Acre Drive, Dunmore Road, Copenhagen Drive and Marcham Road and any mitigation measures arising from that monitoring to be agreed; and

·         Further negotiations relating to a financial contribution to the Radley Lakes project to take place between officers and the applicant.


 And subject to:


1. A S106 agreement being entered into in order to secure contributions towards local infrastructure and to secure affordable housing, with any minor variation to be agreed with the Chair of Planning Committee; and

2. Conditions as follows:


1.    Approved plans and document list.

2.    Approved land uses.

3.    Commencement – whichever is earlier of i) three years from outline permission or ii) two years from final approval of first reserved matters application.

4.    Mitigation within environmental statement as approved.

5.    Market housing mix as specified.

6.    First reserved matters application submitted within two years.

7.    All reserved matters application submitted within eight years of first commencement.

8.    Contents of reserved matters as specified.

9.    Lighting scheme to be agreed.

10. Scheme for ecological buffer zone around watercourse to be agreed.

11. Fifteen year management and maintenance for soft landscaping to be agreed.

12. Biodiversity enhancement plan to be agreed.

13. Waste management and minimisation strategy to be agreed.

14. Energy delivery strategy to be agreed.

15. Site-wide development delivery strategy to be agreed.

16. Housing delivery document to be agreed.

17. Phasing of development plan to be agreed.

18. Written scheme of archaeological investigation to be agreed.

19. Staged programme of archaeological mitigation to be agreed.

20. Tree protection to be agreed.

21. Non-residential uses noise mitigation to be agreed.

22. Woodland management plan to be agreed.

23. Surface water drainage strategy to be agreed.

24. Compensatory flood plain storage to be agreed.

25. Radley Park ditch buffer zone and bridges to be agreed.

26. On and off site foul drainage works to be agreed.

27. Accesses to public highway to be agreed.

28. Accesses to each phase to be agreed.

29. Broadband provision to be agreed.

30. Community employment plan to be agreed.

31. Playing pitch quality to be agreed.

32. Design and layout of sports pitches, MUGA and pavilion to be agreed.

33. Management and maintenance of sports pitches to be agreed.

34. Community use scheme for sports pitches and pavilion to be agreed.

35. Local centre noise mitigation to be agreed.

36. Hours of operation of non-residential premises to be agreed.

37. Roads, footways and street lighting to be agreed for each phase.

38. Driveways, parking and turning to be agreed for each phase.

39. Connection to on and off site roads and footpaths to be agreed for each phase.

40. Green travel plans and travel information packs to be agreed.

41. No more than 150 dwellings occupied prior to written confirmation of central government funding for Lodge Hill slip roads. No more than 400 dwellings occupied prior to Highway Authority letting contract for delivery of Lodge Hill slip road construction works.

42. Details of construction environment management plan as specified.

43. Residential boundaries implemented as approved at reserved matters.

44. Replacement planting within five years.

45. Hours of work as specified.

46. Garages to include provision for electric vehicle charging.

47. All roads and footways to be adopted to have Oxfordshire County Council agreement prior to their construction.

48. Public rights of way restrictions – no materials, no vehicles, no access, no gates.

49. All non-residential buildings to achieve BREEAM “Very Good” certification.

50. Air quality monitoring and mitigation.






The meeting closed at 9.20 pm



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