Agenda item

P16/V0727/O - Chowle Farm Industrial Estate, Great Coxwell, Faringdon

Outline application for demolition of existing buildings used for class B1 and B8 purposes and erection of 18 new dwellings.


The officer presented the report and addendum on application P16/V0727/O, an outline application for the demolition of existing buildings used for class B1 and B8 purposes and the erection of 18 new dwellings at Chowle Farm Industrial Estate, Great Coxwell, Faringdon.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report and addendum, which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


The addendum report included new comments from the county council in response to the latest amendments together with a request for additional information about manoeuvrability for emergency vehicles and concerns that the level of parking was excessive.  Officers were satisfied that manoeuvrability for vehicles could be dealt with by condition and that the level of parking was acceptable


Richard May, a representative of Great Coxwell Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         The site was in an unsustainable location;

·         The access arrangements were dangerous;

·         There would be an increase in traffic;

·         It would be dangerous for pedestrians to cross the A420; and

·         The proposal would have a detrimental visual impact.


Ken Dijksman, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. His points included the following:

·         Although the site was in an isolated location it was sustainable as there was an excellent bus service;

·         Existing planning permissions would generate far more traffic than this development which would represent a reduction in traffic movements; and

·         The visual impact would not be harmful as permission had been granted for a larger development.


Councillors Simon Howell and Elaine Ware, the local ward councillors, had provided a written statement objecting to the proposal which was read out.  Their main points included the following:

·         They supported the views of the Parish Council; and

·         They were concerned about vehicular and pedestrian safety and access.


The committee discussed the application, with clarification from officers where appropriate. Officers recommended an amendment to condition 14 to also include samples of materials.


A motion, moved and seconded, to grant planning permission, subject to the securing of the financial contributions with a S106 agreement and an amendment to condition 14, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P16/V0727/O subject to the securing of the financial contributions with a S106 agreement and the following conditions:



1.     Submission of reserved matters.

2.     Commencement of development – outline permission.

3.     Approved plans.


Pre commencement

4.    No development until scheme submitted to eradicate Japanese Knotweed.

5.    No development until a drainage strategy detailing any on/off site works.

6.    Contaminated land investigation.

7.    Details of wheel washing for construction and demolition traffic.

8.    Details of vision splays.

9.    No other development before means of access formed.

10.  No other development before off site highway works implemented (to include ghosted right hand junction, pedestrian crossing point, two bus stop laybys).

11.  Tracking plan for waste vehicle.

12.  Updated badger and otter surveys and mitigation strategy submitted.

13.  Sustainable surface water drainage scheme submitted.

14.  Details of and sample of materials for boundary treatments to be submitted.

15.  Details of landscape boundary screening to south (within blue edged land) and implementation plan submitted.



16.  Existing access to Chowle Farmhouse to be stopped up.

Supporting documents: