Agenda item

P16/V2900/FUL - Land to east of Milton Hill, Abingdon

Development comprising 458 dwellings with associated public open space, infrastructure and improved sports facilities. Reservation of land for future primary school expansion.


The officer presented the report and addendum on application P16/V2900/FUL for a development comprising 458 dwellings with associated public open space, infrastructure and improved sports facilities and reservation of land for future primary school expansion at land to the east of Milton Hill, Abingdon.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


The addendum report included a revised list conditions arising from an amalgamation of some of the previously proposed conditions.


Mark Smith of Milton Parish Council, spoke stating that, following positive negotiations with the applicant, the parish council was happy to withdraw its objections.


Harry Aubrey-Fletcher, the applicant, spoke in support of his application.  His points included the following:

·         The application provided for the expansion of St Blaise primary school;

·         A pedestrian and cycle bridge over the A34 would reduce the need for journeys by car;

·         New community and sports facilities for Milton would be provided; and

·         The application provided 161 affordable dwellings.


Questions of clarification were put to the speaker, who confirmed that:

·         The expansion of the primary school would be phased, to minimise disruption; and

·         It was anticipated that the development would be completed within eight years.


The committee discussed the application, with clarification from officers where appropriate.  The committee welcomed the positive discussions that had taken place between the applicant, the parish council and community groups.


A motion, moved and seconded, to authorise the head of planning to grant planning permission with conditions was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to authorise the head of planning to grant planning permission for application P16/V2900/FUL subject to:


1.     A Section 106 legal agreement being entered into to secure financial contributions towards local infrastructure, transfer of land to the County Council for St Blaise primary school expansion, and to secure 35% affordable housing (161 dwellings); and


2.     Conditions summarised as follows:



1.    Commence within three years.

2.    Approved plans.


Details to be submitted prior to commencement

3.    Phasing plan.

4.    Materials to be agreed.

5.    Landscaping to be agreed.

6.    Landscaping implementation.

7.    Tree protection.

8.    Sustainable drainage scheme to be agreed and implemented.

9.    Biodiversity enhancement.

10.  Construction environmental management plan (including dust management plan).

11.  Further acoustic assessment and mitigation to be implemented.

12.  Slab levels to be agreed.

13.  Archaeological written scheme of investigation.

14.  Archaeology implementation of investigation.


Details to be submitted prior to occupation

15.  New boundary fence to Milton United Football Club.

16.  Open space provision.

17.  Foul drainage scheme to be implemented.

18.  Site access improvements in accordance with approved plans.

19.  Road junction improvements to be implemented by 50th dwelling.

20.  Road surfacing.

21.  Parking spaces to be provided before occupation.

22.  Pedestrian link between proposed football pitch and adjacent land accommodating Milton United.

23.  Football pitch specification for construction to be agreed

24.  Permitted development removal Classes A, B and E – plots 11 to 15 and 307 to 317.

25.  Working hours to be Monday to Friday 0730 to 1800 and 0800 to 1300 Saturday. No works on Sundays or public holidays.

Supporting documents: