Agenda item

P16/V1721/FUL - Grove Business Park, Downsview Road, Wantage

Hybrid application comprising: Outline planning application for the erection, demolition and conversion of buildings to provide up to 40,000m2 floor space comprising Class B1 and B8 uses with Class A3, Class D1 and Class D2 uses with all matters except access reserved. Full application for erection of Class B1 "incubator" Block (1,205m2 GIA) with associated car parking following demolition of 7 buildings (1,778m2).


Councillors Ben Mabbett and Chris McCarthy stepped down for this item as part of the application site was in their ward.


The officer presented the report and addendum on application P16/V1721/FUL for a hybrid application comprising:

·           Outline planning application for erection, demolition and conversion of buildings to provide up to 40,000m2 floor space comprising Class B1 and B8 uses with Class A3, Class D1 and Class D2 uses with all matters except access reserved.

·           Full application for erection of Class B1 "incubator" Block (1,205m2 GIA) with associated car parking following demolition of 7 buildings (1,778m2)


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report and addendum, which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


No objections had been received to this application.


Sophie Matthews, a consultant, spoke in favour of the application and received questions from the committee.


Ward Councillors Mabbett and McCarthy spoke in favour of the application.


The committee asked questions of the officers.


The committee noted that traffic and loss of trees was of concern to the local residents.


The officer confirmed to committee members that an email had been received from the legal representative of a tenant of the business park.  The email confirmed the tenant’s intention (through their representative) to submit a Screening Direction request to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.  This led to the deferral of this application from the October 19committee meeting.  However, at the time of this meeting, no such request had been made and so officers were satisfied that the committee could assess the planning merits of the proposal at the meeting and vote on a resolution to either approve or refuse the application.


Reserved matters will come back to committee at a later date.


A motion, proposed and seconded to approve the application, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission, subject to:


 i.          A section 106 legal agreement being entered into with the county council to secure a financial contribution towards Travel Plan monitoring; and


ii.          Conditions as follows for the “full” aspect of the application:


1.     Commencement three years.

2.     Approved plans.

3.     Slab levels to be agreed.

4.     Landscaping scheme to be agreed.

5.     Details of cycle parking to be agreed.

6.     Surface water drainage scheme to be agreed.

7.         Updated bat surveys to be agreed.

8.     Tree protection to be agreed.

9.     Travel plan to be agreed.

10.  Materials as specified.

11.  Turning, manoeuvring and parking as approved.

12.  Sustainable construction measures as approved.

13.  Implementation of landscaping scheme as specified.

14.  Use Class B1 only.


 iii.          Conditions as follows for the “outline” aspect of the application


1.     Reserved matters submitted within 3 years, commencement within two years of approval of last reserved matter.

2.     Approved plans.

3.     Site-wide landscaping master plan to be agreed.

4.     Tree protection to be agreed.

5.     Surface water drainage scheme to be agreed.

6.     Foul water drainage scheme to be agreed.

7.     Biodiversity enhancement scheme to be agreed.

8.     Travel plan to be agreed.

9.     Pedestrian and cycle link improvements to be agreed.

10.  Shuttle bus provision to be agreed.

11.  Construction traffic management plan to be agreed.

12.  Construction method statement to be agreed.

13.  Turning areas and car parking to be agreed.

14.  Written Scheme of Archaeological Investigation to be agreed.

15.  Programme of archaeological evaluation and mitigation to be agreed.

16.  Contaminated Land Investigation to be agreed.

17.  Building Heights to be as per approved Heights Parameter Plan.

18.  Sustainable construction measure as approved.

19.  Total amount of B8 storage accommodation not to exceed more than 1.6 hectares of the site.

20.  Total amount of ancillary accommodation (A3, D1, D2) not to exceed 2,500 square metres, with A3 less than 500 square metres.

21.  Any gates provided to be set back 12 metres from carriageway.

22.  Cycle parking, shower/washing/changing facilities to be provided as part of reserved matters.

23.  Noise attenuation measures to be provided as part of reserved matters.


Informative – The indicative layout would not receive support at reserved matters stage.


Supporting documents: