Agenda item

P15/V2541/O - Land North of Shrivenham, Highworth Road, Shrivenham

Outline planning application for a mixed-use development of up to 275 dwellings and up to 400 sq.m. of A1 retail use along with associated public open space. Provision of a new roundabout junction on the A420 and other associated highways works, on to Highworth Road . All other matters are reserved.


The officer presented the report and addendum on application P15/V2541/O for:

·           Outline planning permission for a mixed use development of up to 275 dwellings and up to 400 square metres of A1 retail use along with associated public open space.

·           Provision of a new roundabout junction on the A420 and other associated highways works on to Highworth Road.

·           All matters reserved, apart from access.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report and addendum, which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


This is an allocated site under the local plan.


The local highway authority have no objections.


The clerk read a statement from the parish council. They object to the provision of a 400 square metre retail provision on this development and were only prepared to accept a small convenience store.


Nathan McLoughlin, the applicant’s agent, spoke in favour of the application.


The committee asked questions of the agent and the following points were raised:

·           The agent had worked with the parish council and was only looking to provide a small retail unit to provide for day to day needs and not to compete with high street stores in Shrivenham.

·           The delivery of the roundabout would be subject to discussions with officers and s106 agreements.


The committee asked questions of the officers.


The viability of the affordable housing, at 28 percent, is related to the roundabout which is being provided by the developers.


A motion, proposed and seconded, to accept the officer’s recommendation was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to delegate the authority to grant planning permission to the head of planning subject to:


      i.        A Section 106 legal agreement being entered into in order to ensure financial contributions towards local infrastructure and to secure affordable housing; and


    ii.        Conditions (or provision in S106 as appropriate) as follows:


1.    Commencement after reserved matters approval.

2.    Reserved matters to be submitted.

3.    Approved plans list.

4.    Reserved matters to generally accord with Design and Access Statement and Illustrative Masterplan.

5.    Details of landscape specifics to be submitted under reserved matters.

6.    Landscape maintained for five years from completion

7.    Surface water drainage scheme based on flood risk assessment to be agreed.

8.    Noise mitigation for retail unit to be agreed.

9.    No occupation until drainage scheme implementation.

10. Water supply infrastructure upgrade to be carried out.

11. Construction traffic management plan to be agreed.

12. Residential travel plan to be agreed.

13. Travel information packs to be agreed.

14. Off-site highway works to be agreed.

15. Provision of A420 roundabout and Highworth Road junction.

16. Detailed plans for pedestrian and cycle links and crossings to be provided.

17. All accesses and visibility splays to be in place prior to occupation.

18. Archaeological written scheme of investigation to be agreed.

19. Staged programme of archaeological evaluation and mitigation.

20. Biodiversity construction environmental management plan to be agreed.

21. Landscape and ecology management plan to be agreed.

22. Baseline data to be collected from Tuckmill Meadows and submitted.

23. Hydrological monitoring plan to be agreed.

24. Traffic calming measures required to avoid impediment to circular walking routes.



Supporting documents: