Agenda item

P16/V1088/FUL - The Manor Preparatory School, Faringdon Road, Shippon

Hybrid application comprising a detailed application for a sports hall, AstroTurf pitch and pavilion, relocated netball and tennis courts, new canopy to lower school building, car park extension to rear and rearranged access, car park and drop off at front of school; and an outline application for erection of a swimming pool, two classroom buildings and extension to dining room (all matters reserved except access).  P16/V1088/FUL

(18 July - Amended plans received.)


Councillor Catherine Webber, the local ward councillor, stepped down from the committee and took no part in the debate or voting on this item.


The officer presented the report and addendum on application P16/V1088/FUL for a hybrid application comprising a detailed application for a sports hall, AstroTurf pitch and pavilion, relocated netball and tennis courts, new canopy to the lower school building, car park extension to the rear and rearranged access, car park and drop off at the front of the school; and an outline application for the erection of a swimming pool, two classroom buildings and extension to the dining room with all matters reserved except access.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report and addendum, which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Geoff Fitzgerald, a representative of St Helen Without parish council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         The parish council feels that the applicant does not consider the residents’ concerns as material;

·         The proposal will have a high impact on the local community;

·         The parish council would have to pay for traffic calming measures with the extra vehicle movements;

·         The impact of light pollution in a rural area; and

·         The proposed facilities are not exceptional circumstances that would warrant the harm to the greenbelt.


Janine Elliott and Neil Parkin, two local residents, spoke objecting to the application. Their concerns included the following:

·         Request deferral due to insufficient consultation;

·         The application is unneighbourly and would have an impact on privacy;

·         The new pupil drop-off area would not be safe and would cause congestion;

·         Solutions to mitigate the harm could be an amended car park layout and mature tree line retention;

·         The drainage system is not fully acceptable as school buildings have flooded in the past;

·         There is no further need for this kind of facility with Tilsley Park nearby; and

·         Impact of floodlights in a dark, rural area.


Steven Sensecall, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. His speech included the following:

·         Pre-application consultation with officers led to the current proposed configuration;

·         No technical objections regarding highways or light pollution;

·         The built development is in line with existing car parking and pitches; and

·         There are no material changes to neighbour impact.


Catherine Webber, the local ward member, spoke to the application.


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion included the following points:

·         This is a hybrid application to demonstrate the masterplan rather than being submitted piecemeal;

·         The proposal is intended to ensure commercial viability of the school, as currently, they are falling behind other schools in what they can offer to attract pupils; and

·         Sport England have requested a community use agreement by condition.


A motion, moved and seconded for approval, was declared carried on being put to the vote.



To delegate authority to the head of planning to grant planning permission for application P16/V1088/FUL subject to the following:

1.    Either a legal agreement being entered into to secure the travel plan monitoring fee or the fee being paid upfront to the county council; and

2.    Conditions as follows:


1.    Time commencement – three years from date of this permission or 2 years from reserved matters.

2.    Reserved matter application(s) made within 3 years.

3.    In accordance with approved plans.

4.    Details of reserved matters to include layout, scale, appearance and landscaping.

5.    Facilities shall be constructed in accordance with Sport England/governing body technical design guidance for artificial surfaces.

6.    Fencing around pitches/courts to be submitted.

7.    Community use agreement to be prepared in consultation with Sports England.

8.    Management and maintenance scheme prepared in consultation with Sports England.

9.    Details of surface water drainage to be submitted as each phase comes forward and prior to the relevant aspect of development it relates to.

10. No development shall commence until foul drainage strategy detailing any on/off site works has been submitted.

11. Details of altered/stopped up access to be submitted prior to commencement of the relevant works.

12. New parking and circulation areas shall be provided in accordance with the plans.

13. Construction method statement to be submitted prior to the commencement of each relevant phase of development.

14. Updated school travel plan to be submitted.

15. Landscaping scheme and implementation plan to be submitted for approval, as each phase comes forward.

16. Landscaping implementation.

17. Details of the boundary treatment (hard and soft) and materials along the northern site boundary with Teague House shall be submitted prior to the commencement of development. These shall include a brick wall that is no lower than 2m in height when measured from the slab/ground level at Teague House.

18. The community use of the facilities permitted by this application shall be restricted to the following hours:

·         All-weather pitches.

·         Monday to Friday (out of term time) 9.00am to 9.00pm.

·         Monday to Friday (term time) 5.00pm to 9.00pm.

·         Saturday 9.00am to 6.00pm (all year).

·         Sunday and bank holidays – no use.

·         Sports hall/swimming pool.

·         Monday to Friday (out of term time) 8.00am to 9.00pm.

·         Monday to Friday (term time) 5.00pm to 9.00pm.

·         Saturday 9.00am to 6.00pm (all year).

·         Sundays and bank holidays – no use.

19. The floodlights and car park lights shall be restricted to the hours of 9am to 9pm Mon to Fri and 9am to 6pm Saturday, with no use on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

20. Details of floodlights to be submitted.

21. Details of external materials to be submitted for sports hall, pavilion.

22. Development to be carried out in accordance with ecology report recommendations.

Supporting documents: