Agenda item

Statements and Petitions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any statements and/or petitions from the public under Standing Order 32 will be made or presented at the meeting.


(Councillors Laurel Symons, Janet Morgan, Tony de Vere and Mary de Vere had each declared a personal interest in part of this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 they remained in the meeting during its consideration.)


(Councillor Mike Badcock had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in part of this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he withdrew from the meeting during Clare Harding’s statement in support of the Abingdon Science Partnership grant application.)


The Committee was advised that notice had been received from three members of the public that they each wished to make a statement at the meeting as follows:-


1.         Elizabeth Hanscombe made a statement in support of the grant application in respect of the Abingdon Musical Festival Association.  She reported that the Abingdon Musical Festival was now in its ninth year and was proud of the prestige it brought locally during the Annual Arts Festival and also of its reputation as a friendly and informal event.  It was commented that a wide range of participants of all ages from beginners right up to those who had already reached a high standard were welcome.  She referred to the dreams of soloists to perform in front of a symphony orchestra and commented on the delight when in 2004 the conductor of the Abingdon Symphony Orchestra had suggested collaboration.  An application had been made to the Awards for All Programme and a generous grant had been received which had assisted in several rewarding occasions, details of which were outlined.  It was considered that a similar venture should be repeated in 2006 although the festival was not eligible for a second lottery grant.  She commented on their gratitude for grant awards in previous years, commenting that details of all sponsors were highlighted on all published material.


2.         Clare Harding made a statement on behalf of the Abingdon Science Partnership.  She explained that the fair was a Science Fair held in the Guildhall and had been running for several years.  About 50 schools provided interactive activities and this year the theme of the fair would be “My Incredible Body”.  It was anticipated that approximately 1,000 children would attend and there would be guest speakers and activities to take part in.  She commented on the enjoyment experienced by the children and on the ability of teachers to have a chance to demonstrate their work.  She commented that the fair was useful for sharing ideas and was a good partnership link between schools and teachers working together in science which was unusual.  She explained that the fair highlighted the importance of educating children especially with regard to science and outlined the reason for the shortfall of funding for this year.


3.         Mr Wilkinson made a statement in support of the grant application from the Abingdon Concert Band.  He explained that the band had been operating for many years and had attended many events.  He referred to the enjoyment experienced by the local community and provided details of the players and events.  He commented that the Abingdon Concert Band was a registered charity and therefore relied on funding from fund raising activities, grants and donations.  He explained that the band was always seeking to improve but sometimes it was difficult because they needed to borrow instruments.  He clarified that there had been difficulties in some members of the band attending the rehearsal hut due to asthma related health problems.  He referred to the need of the Band to have their own tympanum and explained that the application for grant aid was in two parts, being a financial contribution towards tympanum and assistance in running a workshop.


The Chair thanked the members of the public for their statements, advising that these would be taken into account when considering the respective grant applications.