Agenda item

Questions under standing order 12

To receive the following questions from councillors under standing order 12.


A.     Question from Councillor Bob Johnston to Councillor Roger Cox, Cabinet member for planning


As there is a likelihood that the Lodge Hill slip roads as defined in the Local Plan Part 1 may not have the necessary funding to go ahead, there is public concern about the impact of traffic from strategic sites on local roads. Could the Cabinet Member for Planning tell me what traffic modelling (if any) was carried out by the Vale, its consultants or third parties such as developers, in preparation for Local Plan Part 1, of the impact of traffic on the A4183 (and other local roads) from the potential development which we now refer to as the "North Abingdon Site" if the new slip roads at Lodge Hill aren't provided?


B.       Question from Councillor Bob Johnston to Councillor Matthew Barber, Leader of the council


In October 2014, Council passed a motion that called on officers to report on how the Vale could make and support the business case for a new express train service from Bristol to Bedford, stopping at Wantage/Grove, Didcot, Oxford, Bicester and Milton Keynes. What actions and decisions have been taken to move this forward?


C.      Question from Councillor Jenny Hannaby to Councillor Matthew Barber, Leader of the council


In May 2016, Council passed a motion that called for ‘officers to work with Oxfordshire County Council (and other relevant local authorities, Network Rail and Great Western Railway) to produce a business case for an express rail link from Bristol to Milton Keynes via a new station at Grove / Wantage. It must include new track and signalling so as not to obstruct present and future high speed services from Paddington and link with the current electrification scheme.’ What actions and decisions have been taken to produce this business case?


D.        Question from Councillor Bob Johnston to Councillor Matthew Barber, Leader of the council


In July 2015, Council passed a motion that requested the Environment Agency commission an independent review into the implications of the proposed Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme, especially relating to possible flood risks in areas of the Vale downstream of Abingdon. What actions and decisions have been taken about this?


E.       Question from Councillor Debby Hallett to Councillor Roger Cox, Cabinet member for planning.


In December 2015, Council passed a motion in support of the Housing Bill, which would build starter homes, grant automatic planning permission to build on brownfield sites, sell off high value vacant council assets and use the money to build more affordable homes in the same area, and extend right to buy to housing association tenants. How many starter homes have been sold in the year since? How many automatic permissions have been given for brownfield development? How many council assets have been sold off, and how many new affordable houses have those sales funded? How many housing association tenants have exercised their right to buy?


F.        Question from Councillor Emily Smith to Councillor Roger Cox, Cabinet member for planning


Could the Cabinet member for planning tell us about the timetable for the construction of the Lodge Hill slip roads?



A.           Question from Councillor Bob Johnston to Councillor Roger Cox, Cabinet member for planning

‘As there is a likelihood that the Lodge Hill slip roads as defined in the Local Plan Part 1 may not have the necessary funding to go ahead, there is public concern about the impact of traffic from strategic sites on local roads.  Could the Cabinet member for planning tell me what traffic modelling (if any) was carried out by the Vale, its consultants or third parties such as developers, in preparation for Local Plan Part 1, of the impact of traffic on the A4183 (and other local roads) from the potential development which we now refer to as the "North Abingdon Site" if the new slip roads at Lodge Hill aren't provided?’ 




Councillor Roger Cox responded that comprehensive traffic modelling was undertaken to support new development allocated in Local Plan Part 1, and evidence was submitted in support of the plan. All work undertaken is summarised in the ‘Evaluation of Transport Impacts Study, Final Report, November 2014’ available in the Local Plan Part 1 examination library on the Vale website.


New slips at Lodge Hill were tested as part of the package of transport mitigation to support new housing allocations. The traffic modelling shows that the introduction of Lodge Hill slips would reduce traffic levels on key routes in Abingdon, with forecast flows to reduce on the A4183 and on Copenhagen Drive. Overall delays are also forecast to reduce.


No transport modelling evidence was submitted to the examination from the North Abingdon site promoter that looked specifically at traffic impacts with or without the Lodge Hill Slip Roads. Such transport modelling would be assessed as part of any planning application at this site.


Supplementary question


In response to a supplementary question Councillor Cox undertook to provide a written response setting out of the availability of the modelling evidence. 


B.           Question from Councillor Bob Johnston to Councillor Matthew Barber, leader of the council

In October 2014, Council passed a motion that called on officers to report on how the Vale could make and support the business case for a new express train service from Bristol to Bedford, stopping at Wantage/Grove, Didcot, Oxford, Bicester and Milton Keynes. What actions and decisions have been taken to move this forward? 




Councillor Barber responded that work is progressing on the business case for a station at Grove coordinated by Oxfordshire County Council with support from Vale of White Horse District Council. The Local Plan had identified a location for a station and negotiations were ongoing. A consortium had been established to take the matter forward to the East/West rail project.


Supplementary question


In response to a supplementary question Councillor Barber undertook to provide written details of the development of the business case and identified funding.


C.           Question from Councillor Jenny Hannaby to Councillor Matthew Barber, leader of the council

In May 2016, Council passed a motion that called for ‘officers to work with Oxfordshire County Council (and other relevant local authorities, Network Rail and Great Western Railway) to produce a business case for an express rail link from Bristol to Milton Keynes via a new station at Grove / Wantage.  It must include new track and signalling so as not to obstruct present and future high speed services from Paddington and link with the current electrification scheme.’  What actions and decisions have been taken to produce this business case? 




Councillor Barber referred to his answer to the previous question.



D.           Question from Councillor Bob Johnston to Councillor Matthew Barber, leader of the council

In July 2015, Council passed a motion that requested the Environment Agency commission an independent review into the implications of the proposed Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme, especially relating to possible flood risks in areas of the Vale downstream of Abingdon.  What actions and decisions have been taken about this? 




Councillor Barber responded that the council had commissioned a company to undertake the necessary work. Modelling had been completed and passed to the Environment Agency. A report is expected later this month which would be shared with parish councils and the public.


Supplementary question


In response to a supplementary question Councillor Barber confirmed that he understood the delay had been caused by the Environment Agency agreeing the south section of the route.  


E.           Question from Councillor Debby Hallett to Councillor Roger Cox, Cabinet member for planning

In December 2015, Council passed a motion in support of the Housing Bill, which would build starter homes, grant automatic planning permission to build on brownfield sites, sell off high value vacant council assets and use the money to build more affordable homes in the same area, and extend right to buy to housing association tenants.  How many starter homes have been sold in the year since?  How many automatic permissions have been given for brownfield development?  How many council assets have been sold off, and how many new affordable houses have those sales funded?  How many housing association tenants have exercised their right to buy? 



Councillor Cox responded that the Bill became the Housing and Planning Act 2016 in May last year. We are waiting for the relevant Regulations to come into force so we can implement or act on the proposed changes.




F.            Question from Councillor Emily Smith to Councillor Roger Cox, Cabinet member for planning

Could the Cabinet member for planning tell us about the timetable for the construction of the Lodge Hill slip roads? 




Councillor Cox responded that there is currently no timetable for the construction of the Lodge Hill Slip Roads as there is no confirmed funding, c. £13 million, for the scheme. Unfortunately, funds were not secured for the scheme in the latest round of bids to the Government by the Local Enterprise Partnership. Our Council will continue to work with the County Council and others to ensure planned development makes appropriate contributions towards the scheme and that opportunities for any third-party funding are actively pursued.