Agenda item

P15/V1504/FUL - Land North of Grove Road, Harwell

Residential development to provide 207 dwellings with associated highway works, open space and infrastructure improvements.


The officer presented the report and addendum on application P15/V1504/FUL for a residential development providing 207 dwellings with associated highway works, open space and infrastructure improvements on land north of Grove Road, Harwell.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report and addendum, which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


David Marsh, a representative of Harwell parish council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         This is another application which will enclose the green gap between Didcot and Harwell;

·         Weight should be given to policy DC1 to give regard to local distinctiveness; and

·         The plan is a high-density grid which is unsympathetic to and not in keeping with a rural village that has developed slowly over 1000 years.


Steven Neal, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. His speech included the following:

·         The applicants have had detailed discussions and negotiations with the council and members of the public;

·         The site has been approved for housing allocation by the inspector in the emerging local plan;

·         The applicant has offered an off-site highway improvements package of contributions to include a reduction of speed limit, a footpath and traffic calming measures; and

·         £2.5m will be invested in local services and infrastructure.


Councillor Reg Waite, one of the local ward members, spoke in objection to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         Although he and local residents acknowledge the need for housing, the density, layout, character and design of the proposal are out of keeping with the village;

·         The play area would involve children having to cross the central roads of the development;

·         A new access onto Grove Road could add further traffic issues; and

·         We cannot overlook the extension of 18% increase in dwellings to Harwell when taking other developments already permitted into consideration.


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion included the following points:

·         Too dense for an edge of village development;

·         Concern for children crossing the main arterial road to get to the playing area;

·         Design is too uniform and garden frontage lacks landscaping;

·         However, it is an allocated site, meets technical requirements and conforms to the Design Guide;

·         Significant contributions are offered as part of the package, which would be lost should the application be won at appeal.


Concerns were raised by the committee that the health and fitness contribution has been removed due to pooling restrictions. Officers assured members that an appropriate sum can be explored as part of the S106 discussions.


A motion, moved and seconded for approval, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: (8 for; 2 against; and 1 abstention)

To authorise the head of planning to grant planning permission for application P15/V1504/FUL subject to the highway authority having no objection to the revised plans and to:


1.    A S106 agreement being entered into with the district council in order to secure contributions towards local infrastructure and to secure affordable housing, the developers commitment to entering into a s278 agreement for the road changes; and

2.    Conditions as follows:


1.    Development to commence within three years.

2.    Approved plans.

3.    Permitted development removal – Classes A and B.

4.    Garage accommodation to be retained.

5.    No side windows at first floor –plot three.

6.    Landscaping scheme required.

7.    Landscaping implementation.

8.    Tree protection to be provided.

9.    Boundary treatments.

10. On site open space provision including provision of benches, bins and notice board.

11. Sustainable drainage scheme to be agreed and implemented.

12. Foul drainage strategy to be agreed before development commences and implemented prior to occupation.

13. Water supply to be agreed and implemented prior to occupation.

14. Vehicular access details to be implemented.

15. Emergency access details to be agreed.

16. New 1.5m wide footway to be provided along Grove Road.

17. Footway link to Barrow Road to be re-aligned to allow trees to be retained.

18. Surface details for the existing footpath behind The Croft to be agreed.

19. East/west footway along Grove Road within the site to be provided and offered to the highway authority for adoption.

20. Grove Road traffic calming and shared surface changes to be implemented.

21. Visibility splays at Grove Road/A4130 junction.

22. Parking provision.

23. Stage 1 safety audit and technical audit and implementation of findings.

24. Residential travel plan.

25. Archaeological watching brief.

26. Implementation of a programme of archaeological work.

27. Construction method statement and construction traffic management plan to be agreed – access to be west along Grove Road to the A4130.

28. Bat box provision.

29. Slab levels to be agreed.



1.    Bird nesting.

Supporting documents: