Agenda item

P16/V0652/O - Land at Park Farm, East Challow

Development of up to 88 dwellings including 40% affordable housing, landscaping and other associated works with all matters reserved with the exception of access.


The officer presented the report and addendum on application P16/V0652/O for a development of up to 88 dwellings, including 40 percent affordable housing, landscaping and other associated works with all matters reserved with the exception of access; to land at Park Farm, East Challow.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history, were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


The committee was asked to consider the principle of the scheme and the access arrangements.


The applicant has amended the plans to widen the footway and therefore the highway authority no longer object.


Phil Knight, a representative of East Challow Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application; the key points raised were:

·           Lack of five year housing land supply: figures used by the planning officers are out of date. The local inspector’s response today states that there is a 7.2 year supply of deliverable housing and therefore there is no need to allocate more land for housing in advance of Local Plan Part 2.

·           East Challow should not be allocated as a “larger village” even using the Vale’s criteria.


Craig Roberts, the applicants’ agent, spoke in support of the application as follows:

·           The location is sustainable, and is very close to Wantage.

·           Integration of the proposal with the rest of the village.

·           Consultation has been carried out with the local residents.

·           The development would bring numerous benefits to the local community.


Yvonne Constance, the local ward member, spoke in objection to the application:

·           East Challow Parish Council do not object to all development and are in consultation with the developers.

·           Park Farm is a visual setting and country frame for the whole village.

·           The proposed development would further increase coalescence with Wantage.

·           The proposed development is not sustainable.

·           The planning inspector’s acceptance of 7.2 years of housing land supply is significant.


The committee discussed and considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate.  The discussion included the following points:

·           The planning inspector’s report is an interim report and carries limited weight. There are still points to be addressed and it cannot be considered as evidence of the district having a five year housing land supply.

·           It is important for the committee to be consistent.

·           No statutory consultees are objecting to the application

·           Concern about contractors’ vehicles going up Letcombe Hill: this will be covered by condition 13, the traffic management plan.

·           The sustainability issues are covered in the officer’s report.

·           The Inspector’s letter is positive news, however he emphasises that it may be subject to change and it has limited weight and cannot be relied on until the Local Plan, Part 1 is adopted.

·           The roundabout is not absolutely necessary; however it improves safety on the major roads and was broadly welcomed by residents in consultation.

·           Concerns raised about impact of accumulative development in the village.


A motion, moved and seconded for approval, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED (For 9; Against 0; Abstentions 2)

To delegate authority to grant planning permission to the head of planning subject to:


1.       A S106 agreement being entered into to secure 40% affordable housing and contributions towards local infrastructure; and


2.         Conditions as follows:


    i.     Details of reserved matters.

   ii.     Reserved matters to be submitted within 18 months of the outline consent.

 iii.     Commencement of development – 12 months after reserved matters approval.        

 iv.     Tree protection to be provided.

   v.     On site open space provision.

 vi.     Sustainable drainage scheme to be agreed and implemented.

vii.     Foul drainage strategy to be agreed and implemented.

viii.     Archaeological scheme of investigation.

 ix.     Implementation of programme of archaeological investigation.

   x.     Roundabout details to be agreed and implemented.

 xi.     Vision splays to be agreed and implemented.

xii.     Pavement connections to north and south of A417.

xiii.     Construction method statement and construction traffic management plan to be agreed.

xiv.     Residential travel plan and information pack to be agreed.

xv.     Great crested newt mitigation and enhancement and licence.

xvi.     Slab levels to be submitted and agreed.

xvii.     Noise levels.

xviii.     Contamination mitigation scheme.



      i.        Market and affordable housing mix to complement the SHMA or advice of the council’s housing officer.

    ii.        Bird nesting.

   iii.        This authority is not committing to the illustrative layout presented.


Supporting documents: