Agenda item

P15/V2330/FUL - Stone Farm, Majors Road, Longcot, Faringdon

Conversion and limited demolition of existing agricultural buildings to create four dwellings consisting of three x 3-bedroom dwellings (two with workspace) and one x 4-bedroom dwelling.  Dwellings to be provided with amenity space along with associated landscaping, manoeuvring and parking areas.


Councillor Robert Sharp declared an interest in this application as he knew the applicant and left the meeting room during its consideration.  In his absence Councillor Sandy Lovatt took the chair.


The officer presented the report and addendum on application P15/V2330/FUL for the conversion and limited demolition of existing agricultural buildings to create four dwellings consisting of 3 x 3 bed dwellings (2 with workspace) and 1 x 4 bed dwelling at Stone Farm, Majors Road, Longcot, Faringdon.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Andi Cunningham, a representative of Longcot Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. Her concerns included the following:

·         No drainage plans had been submitted;

·         The site was subject to flooding; and

·         The access arrangements were a danger to traffic and pedestrians.


David Burson, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application:

·         The application site was not in the flood zone;

·         It was proposed to reduce the amount of hard standing so improving drainage; and

·         Amended plans had been submitted which had removed the obstruction of the vision splay and improved visibility.


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate;


RESOLVED (for 10, against 0):


To grant planning permission for application P15/V2330/FUL subject to the following conditions:


1)     Time limit of three years.

2)     In accordance with the approved plans.

3)     Prior to commencement details of surface water drainage and foul water drainage shall be submitted alongside a Flood Risk Assessment to ensure appropriate planning of the area.

4)     The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the mitigation and enhancement strategy outlined in Chapter 6 of the protected species survey and mitigation strategy.

5)     No development shall commence until a phased contaminated land risk      assessment has been carried out by a competent person.

6)     Parking and visions splays to be laid out prior to occupation as per the revised plan 1126-W02 REV D

7)     Details of SUDS compliant drainage scheme to be submitted.

8)     Prior to commencement joinery details, vents, flues and extract ducts details, external lighting details, bin store details, central heating and fuel storage systems and meter boxes details shall be submitted.

9)     Hard and soft landscaping details to be submitted.

10)  Implementation of landscaping details.

11)   Samples of materials (photos to be taken and submitted).

12)  Sample panels of brick and stone for walling (photos to be taken and submitted).

13)  Specification for lime mortar, bedding and pointing- 1:3 (lime: graded sharp sand) to be confirmed.

14)  Repair schedule for building 6- weather-boarded barn.

15)  The work units attached to units 4 & 8 shall be akin to a home office and shall not be used for the provision of a commercial industry that would result in large scale traffic generation or an increase in dust, fumes, noise and light pollution.

16)  The existing open access adjacent to Majors Road and to the south of Stone Farmhouse shall be permanently stopped up and not used for the access and egress of vehicles.

17)  Windows at first floor level on the south-west elevation on the Dutch Barn shall be obscure glazed to retain privacy and prevent overlooking and the balcony shall be screened.

18)  Prior to the commencement of development details of swept path tracking showing servicing/emergency vehicles and egress from onsite parking shall be submitted and approved in writing.


Informative: Your attention is drawn to the need obtain a European Protected Species (EPS) licence before any development or demolition of buildings containing bat roosting sites can proceed. You must be aware that to proceed with the development without first obtaining an EPS licence could result in prosecution.

Supporting documents: