Agenda item

P15/V1722/O - Land west of Station Road (A338) South of Williams Grand Prix Engineering, Grove, Wantage

Residential development for up to 160 dwellings (use class C3) together with direct access off Station Road (A338); landscaping and public open space; drainage infrastructure inclusive of flood compensation works; and biodiversity enhancements.


The officer presented the report and addendum on application P15/V1722/O for residential development of up to 160 dwellings use class C3) together with direct access off Station Road (A338); landscaping and public open space; drainage infrastructure inclusive of flood compensation works; and biodiversity enhancements on land west of Station Road south of Williams Grand Prix Engineering, Grove, Wantage.  


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Frank Parnell, a representative of Grove Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         The site was not part of the existing local plan or the emerging plan and should not be determined until the local plan process had been completed; and

·         The development was not sustainable as it was too isolated.

If the committee was minded to grant the application he asked for conditions to be imposed to ensure that access would be via the existing A338 roundabout.


Mike Robinson, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application:

·         The applicant was a key employer and major investor in the Vale of White Horse;

·         The applicant’s development plans were linked to this application;

·         The Strategic Framework Plan showed that the application site formed a discrete parcel of land to the east of Letcombe Brook where residential development would not prejudice the future delivery of the wider proposed allocation to the west; and

·         Following discussion with the Environment Agency, countryside officer and the Letcombe Brook Project, an outline habitat restoration and long term management plan had been submitted for assessment.


Councillor Chris McCarthy, the local ward councillor, reiterated the concerns of the parish council.


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered the following points:

·         Should consideration of the application be deferred pending a decision on the local plan then the applicant would have the right to appeal on the grounds of non-determination;

·         The highway authority had no objections subject to conditions and financial contributions via a S106 agreement.

·         Noise mitigation measures were proposed in accordance with the acoustic report; and

·         Although Network Rail had raised an objection regarding the potential increase in pedestrian traffic using the existing level crossing on the mainline to the north of the site, it had also confirmed that there was potential to cross the railway by using the Hanney Road bridge. A potential diversionary route had been identified which would take the public footpath over the bridge and so remove the risk associated with the crossing and this could be secured by condition.


RESOLVED (for 10; against 1)


That authority to grant planning permission for application P15/V1722/O is delegated to the head of planning, subject to:


1.     a S106 agreement being entered into with the district council in order to secure contributions towards local infrastructure and to secure affordable housing, and;


2     the following conditions:


1.     Time limit – three years.

2.     Reserved matters to be submitted – two years.

3.     Approved plans.

4.     Sample materials to be agreed.

5.     Building details to be agreed.

6.     Slab level details to be agreed.

7.     Boundary details to be agreed.

8.     Access in accordance with approved plans.

9.     Garage accommodation to be retained.

10.  Carriageway works prior to work on any dwelling.

11.  Construction traffic management plan.

12.  Sustainable drainage scheme in accordance with approved flood risk assessment.

13.  Sustainable drainage scheme to be agreed and implemented prior to occupation.

14.  Foul drainage strategy / details to be agreed and implemented prior to occupation.

15.  Archaeology written scheme of investigation.

16.  Archaeology staged programme of investigation.

17.  Hard and soft landscaping details to be submitted.

18.  Landscape implementation and management plan to be submitted with planting in first season following commencement.

19.  Tree protection.

20.  Noise mitigation measures, in accordance with noise report.

21.  Habitat restoration method statement for the Letcombe Brook to be submitted, approved and implemented within 18 months following first occupation.

22.  Ecological management plan for the Letcombe Brook to be submitted, approved and implemented.

23.  Construction environmental management plan to be submitted and approved which shall include details of the measures to be taken to ensure that construction works do not adversely affect biodiversity.

24.  No occupation shall take place until the required footpath diversion across the railway line has been completed in accordance with a scheme to be first submitted and approved by the local planning authority, in consultation with Network Rail and the County Council.


1.    Market housing mix to complement the Strategic Housing Market Assessment.

2.    Affordable housing mix to accord with housing team requirements.

Supporting documents: