Agenda item

P15/V1934/O - The Steeds Land West of Coxwell Road, Faringdon

The erection of up to 200 dwellings together with Green Infrastructure, surface water attenuation and a new access from Coxwell Road. 


The officer presented the report and addendum on application P15/V1934/O to erect up to 200 dwellings together with green infrastructure, surface water attenuation and a new access to Coxwell Road at The Steeds, land west of Coxwell Road, Faringdon.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Annabelle Zinovieff, a representative of Great Coxwell Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. Her concerns included the following:

·         Urbanisation of the open countryside on the north Corallian ridge;

·         Designated green buffer;

·         NPPF states that we should protect and enhance valued landscape;

·         Coalescence of Great Coxwell and Faringdon;

·         Planting/visual gap is insufficient;

·         Proximity of the National Trust property, which will no longer have a rural view;

·         Suggestion of a cap on two storey buildings; and

·         Request that the developers work with Great Coxwell Parish Council.


Andrew Marsden, a representative of Great Faringdon Town Council, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         Extension to Faringdon – should therefore extend the parish boundary;

·         Initially promised improving facilities in Faringdon, which are no longer proposed;

·         New primary school is not in easy walking distance; and

·         In favour of traffic lights not a roundabout.


David Barnes, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. His speech included the following:

·         Site is allocated in the emerging local plan;

·         Sustainable location;

·         The buffer is in accordance with the neighbourhood plan; and

·         The gap between Great Coxwell and Faringdon is also in accordance with the neighbourhood plan.


Councillors Elaine Ware and Simon Howell, the local ward councillors, submitted a statement to be read out objecting to the application. Their concerns included the following:

·         Preferred alternative proposed development which would include a roundabout rather than traffic lights; and

·         Cumulative impact of developments in and around Faringdon.


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered the following points:

·         The alternative pending application has issues with insufficient affordable housing (10%);

·         Concern about traffic lights’ impact on traffic flow;

·         Supports emerging local plan;

·         No occupation until upgrade of pumping station is to Thames Water’s satisfaction; and

·         The site would not affect the setting of the National Trust barn as the land rises in between.


RESOLVED: (7 votes for; none against; 1 abstention)

To authorise the head of planning, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the committee to grant planning permission on application P15/V1934/O, subject to:


1.    A S106 agreement being entered into with the district council in order to secure contributions towards local infrastructure and to secure affordable housing; and

2.    Conditions as follows:


1.    Standard outline time limit – commencement within two years of reserved matters approval.

2.    Reserved matters to be submitted within three years of outline permission.

3.    Development in accordance with the approved plans.

4.    Development to follow the design principles set out in the design and access statement.

5.    Site access details including visibility splays to be agreed.

6.    Cycle and pedestrian link to northern boundary of the site facilitate access to Highworth Road site.

7.    Site wide travel plans to be agreed.

8.    Implementation of landscaping scheme.

9.    Submission of landscape management plan for buffer area.

10. Surface water drainage details to be agreed.

11. No dwelling to be occupied until sewage treatment work upgrade completed.

12. Construction traffic management plan to be agreed.

13. Works in accordance with flood risk assessment.

14. Tree protection to be agreed and method statement submitted.

15. Wildlife protection as per submitted statements.

16. Requirement for further habitat and badger survey if development has not commenced with two years of date of permission.

17. Contamination – if found on site then remediation required.

18. Noise mitigation as per submitted statement and environmental statement.

19. Air quality mitigation in accordance with submitted air quality report and environmental statement.

20. Submission of archaeological investigation.

21. Implementation of archaeological investigation.

22. Play areas provided on site pre-occupation.

23. Public art to be provided on site in accordance with details to be submitted and approved.

Supporting documents: