Agenda item

P15/V1215/FUL and P15/V1216/LB - Land opposite Borlase, South Street, Blewbury

Conversion, extension and renovation of existing barn and loggia to form a new dwelling.




The officer presented the report and addendum on applications P15/V1215/FUL and P15/V1216/LB to convert, extend and renovate the existing barn and loggia to form a new dwelling on land opposite Borlase, South Street, Blewbury.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Lydia Inglis, a representative of Blewbury Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. Her concerns included the following:

·         Loss of open space; and

·         The site should be retained unaltered so that it can be used again for public functions as it has been in the past.


John Ogden/Hugh Osborn, a local resident, spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included the following:

·         Harm to the setting of a listed building and to the character and appearance of the  conservation area;

·         The council would be acting in contravention of a High Court ruling if it granted planning permission and listed building consent

·         Overwhelming local opposition; and

·         The issue of the economic value of the proposal was false.


OpinderLidder, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. His speech included the following:

·         Sustainable location;

·         Site is not highlighted in Blewbury Parish Plan as a key open space; it is private land;

·         Sensitive approach to design; and

·         Consultation with Design and Conservation Officer.


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered the following points:

·         The loggia building will need to be partly dismantled in any event to restore it;

·         Officers see the essential approach in conservation areas to be one of managing change – the site had a larger building on it in the past before the loggia was built and the current proposal is simply another change;

·         The site is private and has a deteriorating appearance – as there is no guarantee that the land would ever be opened up for public use in the future the proposal seeks to find a more viable use for the buildings, albeit with some change; and

·         Suggestion for obscured glazing in the bathroom.


RESOLVED: (10 votes for; 1 against; and no abstentions)


To grant planning permission for application P15/V1215/FUL, subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commencement of development – three years.

2.    List of approved plans.

3.    Access, visibility splays, parking in accordance with plan.

4.    Existing access to garage to be stopped up.

5.    Details of fully sustainable drainage scheme.

6.    No drainage to highway.

7.    Details of slab levels.

8.    Landscaping scheme (submission).

9.    Landscaping scheme (implement).

10. Details of tree protection.

11. Implementation of a traffic management plan prior to any works being carried out on site.

12. Obscured glazing in bathroom.


To grant listed building consent subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commencement of development – three years.

2.    List of approved plans.

3.    Full photographic record of the barn and loggia to level 2 of the Historic England publication, understanding Historic Buildings, a Guide to Good Recording Practice.

4.    Samples of materials for roof and walls.

5.    Specification of the lime mortar for any brick pointing/bedding.

6.    Schedule of works for the development.

7.    Method statements including repair schedule and restoration of the loggia and barn, details of foundation underpinning.

8.    Details of joinery details for all windows and doors.

9.    Details of the boundary walls.

Supporting documents: