Agenda item

P14/V2877/FUL - Land at Cowans Camp Depot, High Street, Watchfield

Planning permission for the erection of 33 new (1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom) homes of which 40% are affordable units on brownfield land previously consented for a care facility and learning disability unit.


The officer presented the report and addendum on application P15/V2877/FUL for 33 new homes of which 40 per cent were affordable units on brownfield land previously consented for a care facility and learning disability unit (as amended by plans and design and access statement received on 8 July 2015), on land at Cowans Camp Depot, High Street, Watchfield.  Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting. 


Sue Nodder, a representative of Watchfield Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application, raising concerns about:

·         The application would disadvantage local residents with the loss of local facilities and jobs

·         There was no bus service in the village and the county council was withdrawing the dial-a-ride service meaning residents would have to rely on private transport

·         This made it unsustainable development

·         There was no open space with the development


Alex Barter, the applicant’s agent, made a statement in support of the application:

·         There had been no market interest in care facilities in the locality

·         There was open space nearby


Democratic Services read a statement on behalf of local ward members, Councillor Elaine Ware and Councillor Simon Howell, in support of the objections to the application:

·         The site was unsuitable for housing for a number of reasons

·         The village had no bus service so residents would have to rely on private transport

·         Bearing in mind the increasing elderly population, consideration should be given to a care home, not more housing  

·         The nearest food shop was over a kilometre away from the site


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered the following points:

·         The county council believed that the site was unsuitable for care facilities

·         The committee had to consider the application on its merits; the council could not demand a care home rather than housing

·         The number of homes proposed had been reduced slightly

·         At the housing officer’s request, unit 207 should be a rented affordable home bringing it together with other rented properties, and plot 222 should be a shared ownership home

·         The conditions.

·          must require an upgrade to the drainage system to Thames Water’s satisfaction before the occupation of any homes 


RESOLVED: (9 votes for; none against; and 1 abstention)


To authorise the head of planning, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the committee, to grant planning permission on application P15/V2877/FUL subject to:


(a)          a section 106 agreement being entered into with both the county council and district council in order to secure contributions towards local infrastructure and to secure affordable housing; and


(b)          conditions as follows:


1.     Time limit - full application.

2.     Approved plans.

3.     Access, parking and turning in accordance with approved plan.

4.     New estate roads.

5.     No drainage to highway.

6.     Landscaping scheme (submission).

7.     Landscaping scheme (implement).

8.     Retain existing High Street frontage hedgerow.

9.     Provide, manage and maintain open space.

10.  Materials in accordance with appoved plan.

11.  Contamination and if necessary a remediation scheme to be submitted.

12.  Drainage details (foul water) – to require an upgrade to the drainage system to Thames Water’s satisfaction before the occupation of any homes.   

13.  Sustainable drainage scheme.

14.  Boundary details in accordance with approved plan.

15.  Garage accommodation to remain as garages.

16.  Sound insulation (dwellings).

17.  Slab levels (dwellings).

Supporting documents: