Agenda item

P15/V0898/O - Steventon Road Nurseries, Steventon Road, East Hanney

Outline application for the development of up to 40 dwellings, with all matters reserved except access.


The officer presented the report and addendum on an outline application P15/V0898/O for the development of up to 40 dwellings, with all matters reserved except access, at Steventon Road Nurseries, Steventon Road, East Hanney.  Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.  The officer recommended an additional condition to require the housing mix to reflect that in the strategic housing market assessment. 


Judy Long, a representative of East Hanney Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application, raising concerns about:

·         The impact of the proposed development on the sewer system, which needed upgrading 

·         There had been too much new housing in the village without infrastructure improvements

·         The need to protect the village from further development


Dan Stiff, the applicant’s agent, made a statement in support of the application:

·         The development would allow contributions towards a bus stop, a footpath and education

·         There would be no adverse impact on the local ecology or drainage


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered the following points:

·         The site was visually well-contained

·         Thames Water had not objected, therefore the committee had no technical grounds to refuse the application on drainage issues  

·         Alternatively, the committee considered the Grampian condition must require an upgrade to the drainage system to Thames Water’s satisfaction before the occupation of any homes 

·         The highways works (the provision of a footway, a bus stop, relocating the speed limit sign and gateway feature) would be included in a section 278 agreement 

·         The section 106 agreement must also refer to the provision of a bus stop prior to occupation of the homes

·         The provision of a footpath along Steventon Road connecting the site to the village was essential


RESOLVED: (10 votes to nil)


To authorise the headof planning,in consultationwith theChairman andVice-Chairmanof thecommittee, togrant outline planning permission on application P15/V0898/O subject to:


(a)          a section 106 agreementbeing enteredinto, with boththe countycouncil anddistrict council in order to secure contributions towards local infrastructure andto secure affordable housing;and


(b)          conditions asfollows:


1.     Commencement – 2 years or 6 months after reserved mattersapproval.

2.     Reserved matters on appearance, layout, landscaping and scale submitted within 9 months of outlineconsent.

3.     Approved plans.

4.     Landscaping and boundary treatment scheme to be agreed.

5.     Hedgerow management to be agreed.

6.     Tree protection to beagreed.

7.     Sustainable drainage scheme to beagreed.

8.     Foul and surface water drainage strategy to be agreed.

9.     Biodiversity enhancement.

10.  Contamination investigation and mitigation to beagreed.

11.  Construction traffic management plan to beagreed

12.  Green travel plans to beagreed.

13.  Access construction asapproved.

14.  Vision splays.

15.  Footpath surfacing.

16.  No drainage to highway.

17.  Parking, servicing and turning areas completed prior to occupation.

18.  Wheel washing facilities on site duringconstruction.

19.  Thames Water requirement on sewerage capacity upgrade prior to occupation.

20.  The housing mix to reflect that in the strategic housing market assessment. 

Supporting documents: