Agenda item

P15/V0154/O - Land adjacent to Fernham Gate, Faringdon

Outline application for erection for a development of 10 dwellings and associated parking and landscaping, new access onto Fernham Road.


The officer presented the report and addendum on outline application P15/V0154/O for ten dwellings, parking, landscaping and new access on land adjacent to Fernham Gate, Faringdon.  Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting. 


Chris Kench spoke in objection to the application about:

·         the proposed development was outside of Great Coxwell village, was contrary to its neighbourhood plan and the local plan

·         the development was unsustainable

·         it would bring no benefit to Faringdon

·         it was not necessary to have more housing

·         the noise survey had limited usefulness

·         the ecology benefits of the site had been dismissed


Mike Gilbert, the applicant’s agent, spoke in favour of the application:

·         this would be an appropriate use for the site

·         it was a sustainable development

·         the layout had been designed to take into account the site’s constraints

·         plot 4 had been adjusted to overcome neighbour objections


The committee considered the application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered the following points:

·         the consultation on the amendments had been carried out in accordance with the council’s 14 day policy

·         this was not a greenfield site

·         the number of dwellings had been reduced to ten to move them away from the A420

·         this was an outline application; landscaping and other details would be considered at the full application stage

·         there should be a contaminated land risk assessment and no development until the local planning authority was satisfied with the decontamination plan

·         there should be no further development of the site to the east of plot 10

·         there should be a slab level condition

·         plots 3 and 4 in the reserved matters application must be single storey


RESOLVED (14 votes to nil) 


To authorise the head of planning in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the committee to approve planning permission on application P15/V0154/O, subject to the following conditions:

1. Outline approval commencement - three years. 

2. Reserved matters submission - two years. 

3. Approved plans. 

4. Sustainable Urban Drainage System compliant foul and surface drainage strategy to be agreed. 

5. No surface water to be discharged onto the adjacent highway. 

6. Drainage strategy (Thames Water). 

7. No dwelling to be occupied until sewage treatment works upgrade completed. 

8. No development to commence until a phased contaminated land risk assessment has been carried out. 

9. Development to be designed and implemented in accordance with the recommendations contained in the ecology report. 

10. Development not to exceed 1000 square metres total gross floorspace (otherwise developer contributions will be triggered). 

11. Provision of residential accommodation across the site to accord with the mix identified in the strategic housing market assessment. 

12. Detailed internal layout to accord with Oxfordshire County Council manual for streets principles. 

13. Visibility spays to be provided. 

14. Car and cycle parking provision to accord with County Council standards.

15. Travel information packs to be developed for each dwelling. 

16. SSSI management plan. 

17. Access to Site of Special Scientific Interest to be prohibited during construction.

18. Slab levels (full) all dwellings.

19. Biodiversity enhancement scheme.

20. Noise insulation to dwellings in accordance with approved scheme.

21. Pre-occupation site completion report to validate mitigation measures set out in Condition 20.

Plus an informative stating that dwellings of Plots 3 and 4 are to be bungalows, and two storey dwellings in this location will be unacceptable. 

Supporting documents: