Agenda item

P13/V1810/O - Land to the East of Highworth Road, Shrivenham

Outline planning application for up to 240 dwellings and a site for a primary school along with associated public open space and highways works.


The officer presented the report and addendum on application P13/V1810/O for outline planning permission for up to 240 dwellings and a site for a primary school along with associated public open space and highway works on land to the East of Highworth Road, Shrivenham.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and this site’s planning history are detailed in the officer’s report which forms part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Sarah Day, a representative of Shrivenham Parish Council, spoke in support of the application. She requested that the Parish Council is involved in any consultations regarding boundary treatments.


Neil Clennel, a representative of BBOWT (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust) spoke objecting to the application. His concerns included:

·         The effect of the increased recreational pressure on the SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) of Tuckmill Meadow;

·         The financial contribution offered by the applicant for future management is not needed; and

·         Concern the proposed country park will not be delivered.


Nathan McLoughlin, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. His speech referred to the following:

·         The site is already allocated in the local plan;

·         The proposal includes land and financial contributions towards a new primary school; and

·         Natural England have dropped their objection in principle.


Elaine Ware and Simon Howell, two of the local ward councillors, spoke in support of the application. Their speech referred to the following:

·         The preferred site is included in Part I of the Local Plan and will meet the housing allocation for the village;

·         The applicant is sympathetic to the needs of the village; and

·         Highways concerns of the impact on the A420 and local road networks will be addressed at reserved matters.


The committee considered this application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered the following points:

·         There are no objections from statutory consultees;

·         Support for the reduction to 35% of affordable housing;

·         The proposed new primary school is welcome;

·         The concerns for the SSSI need to be considered in balance with other matters;

·         Future access and management of the SSI will be covered in the S106 agreement and mitigation in the reserved matters layout;

·         The impact on the SSI will need to be monitored; and

·         Proposed Thames Water upgrade welcome.


 RESOLVED (for 13; against 0; abstentions 0)


To delegate the authority to grant planning permission for application P13/V1810/O to the head of planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Committee subject to the completion of S106 agreements with the County and District Councils to secure contributions to local infrastructure and affordable housing and subject to the following conditions:


1.    Time limit - outline application (full).

2.    Standard OL Condition (excluding access) (full).

3.    Approved plans listed.

4.    Landscaping scheme required to be submitted and approved.

5.    Implementation of landscaping scheme.

6.    Tree protection to be submitted and agreed.

7.    Sustainable drainage scheme to be agreed and provided.

8.    Foul water drainage strategy including upgrade works to be agreed and implemented pre commencement.

9.    Upgrade to Highworth Road water main to be carried out prior to commencement.

10. Development in accordance with flood risk assessment.

11. Development carried out in accordance with recommendations of noise assessment.

12. Wildlife enhancement and mitigation measures to be agreed and provided prior to occupation of the development.

13. Landscape and ecology management plan to be submitted and approved.

14. Implementation of programme or archaeological work.

15. Contamination investigation to be submitted and agreed.

16. Construction traffic management plan to be agreed.

17. Residential travel plan to be submitted and agreed.

18. Access including vision splays as approved plan.

19. New estate roads to OCC specification.

20. No drainage to highway.

21. Layout and detail to follow parameters set out in the design and access statement.

22. No obstructions of the public rights of way across the site.

23. No damage to the surface of the public rights of way.

Supporting documents: