Agenda item

P14/V2624/FUL - The Croft, Barnards Close Appleford, Abingdon, OX14 4NS

Erection of a five bedroom dwelling and garage.


The officer presented the report on application P14/V2624/FUL for the erection of a five bedroom dwelling and garage at The Croft, Barnards Close, Appleford, OX14 4NS.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and this site’s planning history are detailed in the officer’s report which forms part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Updates from the report: Additional representation has been received from Councillor Gervase Duffield: “I have no objection to this application but I note you have added an informative about the exit. It would be a lot better if the exit could be onto Barnards Close. Consider: as proposed it will mean no less than 5 exits onto the main road with a blind corner at one end where drivers regularly break the speed limit encouraged by the long straight to the east, and a hump back narrow bridge the other end, both of which are completely blind. Also 3 of these are increasingly busy exits (Chambrai, Church St., & Barnards). There are slopes involved, up from Chambrai onto main road and 2 more ups on the opposite side from private drives. I believe it would be a lot better and safer to have the exit of this house onto Barnards Close and move the garage.

I see you have marked the sight lines on p.85 but what is not made clear is that immediately after them as marked are totally blind busy main road areas (the bridge and the bend for Church St turn by the green).

Can I suggest that it be made a condition to look at this suggestion, and have OCC meet with say you and me to agree it all before an OCC final decision…”

Officer’s Response: This issue is covered in the committee report; the local highway authority has assessed the proposal as submitted which proposes a new vehicular access onto Main Road and has concluded that the access is acceptable in highway terms. A condition requiring detailed drawings of the proposed access including visibility splays is recommended. The informative relates purely to the fact that the applicant/agent will need to apply for consent directly to the local highways authority in addition to any permission granted.


The committee considered this application, with advice from officers where appropriate.


RESOLVED (for 14; against 0; abstentions 0)


To grant planning permission to approve application P14/V2624/FUL subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commencement of development within three years.

2.    Approved plan list.

3.    Details of external materials to be submitted for approval.

4.    Details of boundary treatments to be submitted for approval.

5.    Written Scheme of Investigation (submission).

6.    Archaeological watching brief (implementation).

7.    Full details of new vehicular access including visibilty splays (2.4m by 45m both directions) to be submitted for approval.

8.    Parking area to be laid out in accordance with details on submitted plan 1107-Site, and to be constructed to ensure no drainage or loose material onto highway.

9.    Garage accommodation to be retained for parking purposes only.



1.    Permission to create a vehicular access also requires local highway authority consent.

2.    Thames Water informative regarding minimum pressure.


Supporting documents: